Monday, October 7, 2019

Business Law Case Written Work Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Law Case Written Work - Research Paper Example Non-disclosure is the failure of volunteering important facts or information (Mallor, 2004). The law requires that the lease between Ms. Relief and Rem be in writing. This is according to the Statute of Frauds (Mallor, 2004). The fact that the agreement between Ms. Relief and Rem is for more than a one year from its formation date, it has to be in the form of writing. This clause is proper and does not impair the agreement of enforceability. As long the term of the lease has not begun, Rem can cancel the agreement and Ms. Relief will be at liberty to lease it to some other tenant. Rem would not win. The agreement between Force and Rem do not satisfy the elements required for an enforceable agreement. Force offered a promise in return for nothing from Rem thus rendering his promise gratuitous (Mallor, 2004). Rem would not win. This is because Rem had enforced the Cancellation clause of the lease document which provided for cancellation without penalties thus giving Ms. Relief the freedom to accept an offer from another

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