Thursday, November 28, 2019

Jesus Colons Little Things Are Big and Langston Hughes Thank You Mam Analysis Essay

Table of Contents Introduction Common Themes in the Two Stories Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Social relations are often premised on the interaction that usually has adverse outcomes, or even leading to different types of conflicts. Social conflicts and problems are regularly exposed in the literature to undermine the importance of favoring a positive social environment and encouraging effective decision-making.   The essay shall analyze the power of social prejudices on the basis of the analysis of â€Å"Little things Are Big† by Jesus Colon and â€Å"Thank You Ma’am† by Langston Hughes .Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Jesus Colon’s Little Things Are Big and Langston Hughes’ Thank You M’am Analysis Essay specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Common Themes in the Two Stories The two short stories represent social challenges that the heroes should overcome to under stand the problem and define how it can be solved. In this respect, both works represent three types of confrontation – individual, relational, and societal. In the narrations under the analysis, there is an explicit confrontation of the heroes with their selves. Hence, the first story by Hughes narrates the story where the boy Rogers fights with his desire to steal the purse because he wants to buy the blue suede shoes. At the same time, he realizes that stealing is not the only way to get what he wants. As the plot develops, while fighting between the two edges, the character realizes that his behavior is disruptive and will not help him achieve his goals. A similar fight occurs in the hero of Colon’s story. According to â€Å"Little Things Are Big† summary, he is a Puerto Rican and tries to fit the existing stereotypes of the ethnic group. At the same time, he is also obsessed with the existence of racial differences with people, which limits his outlook on s ocial interaction with people. Being focused on his ethnic affiliation, the hero expresses his extreme hesitations, whether he should help a woman in her early twenties or not. By convincing himself about the prejudicial attitudes of the woman, he fails to assist the woman. Both stories by the two writers also represent interpersonal conflicts revealing the meaning of relationship and interaction between people with different social and cultural backgrounds. Hence, the boy has no one to look after him, which results in inappropriate social behavior. Lack of communication and proper upbringing that lead the main character to outlaw actions against society. The woman tries to teach him how to behave in society and, as a result, she distributes roles by considering a boy her son and herself his mother: â€Å"You ought to be my son. I would teach you right from wrong† (Hughes 71).Advertising Looking for essay on comparative literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In such a way, she tries to meet the existing social norms. Moreover, from the â€Å"Little Things Are Big† analysis it is clear that roles distribution is also presented in the Colon’s stories when the main hero starts defining the social status by the color of skin: â€Å"How could I, a black and a Puerto Rican, approach this lady?† (Colon 116). Looking from these perspectives, both heroes were fully aware of the social constraints but lacked sufficient understanding of social norms. Lack of social awareness and cross-cultural understanding is revealed through the conflict between the self and society, as represented in both short stories. Hence, the main hero of Hughes’s story is placed within the social setting where the main hero is deprived of care and responsibilities. As is clear from the Langston Hughes’ â€Å"Thank you M’am† analysis, the main character does not understand his fau lts and believes that his behavior is the only way to achieve his purposes. At the same time, Mrs. Jones attempts to fulfill the role of the mother because she lives in a socially isolated setting. Similarly, Colon’s hero follows social stereotypes, which prevents him from fulfilling social obligations. Conclusion In conclusion, comparative analysis of â€Å"Thank you Ma’am† by Hughes and â€Å"Little Things Are Big† by Colon   shows that both stories represent how social vices affect human relationships. Lack of social awareness and impossibility to conform to societal norms prevents the characters from making decisions. At the same time, the short stories provide a moral lesson for people and teach them to behave following the ethical and moral codes. Works Cited Colon, Jesus. ‘Little Things Are Big’ A Puerto Rican In New York and Other Sketches. US: International Publishers, 1982. Print. 116-117. Hughes, Langston, ‘Thank You M†™am’ The Best Short Stories by Black Writers: The Classic Anthology from 1899 to 1967. US: Little, Brown, 1967. Print. 71-73. This essay on Jesus Colon’s Little Things Are Big and Langston Hughes’ Thank You M’am was written and submitted by user Briley Wallace to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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