Sunday, December 22, 2019

How The Strategies Implemented Within The Classroom

The purpose of this study is to examine how the strategies implemented within the classroom are set in place to increase young adult literature engagement towards African-American males in middle through high school classrooms living in an inner city sector of North Texas. Inspecting the progression through the spectacles of critical race theory (CRT), this study examines how to review cultural response to adjust teaching to responding to the cultural needs and learning styles of African American male students, as a result of institutional racism, particularly through the teachers expectations, curriculum and how it negatively impacts African American male students in schools. The set of connections to be illustrated consist of dividing three fractions first I will examine teachers’ applications towards increasing literacy engagement for Black adolescent males. Then, borrowing from supporting theories and frameworks, I will explain why this is occurring to the students, highlighting what is happening within the region of North Texas of a large city. In section two, I inquire into an analysis of the problem, focusing on three aspects of CRT in education and reading barriers of African American male students in the classroom. Finally, in section three, I clarify existing multicultural professional development that addresses the problem from an organizational leadership approach and a classroom pedagogy approach. The research questions framing the study are as follows: 1.Show MoreRelatedDifferentiated Instruction On Implementing Practices And Teaching Strategies Essay1430 Words   |  6 PagesDifferentiated Instruction about Implementing Practices and Teaching Strategies. There are red people, blue people, green people, yellow people, big people, short people, and round people. No two people are alike so why do we teach every student the same way? 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