Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Similarities And Differences Between The Giver Movie And...

The Giver, a book by Lois Lowry, and The Giver, the movie version, have more differences than similarities. The movie changes some details to fit into the new themes and expectations of the film. There are some similarities between the two, such as the general idea of a community based off of Sameness and order. However, there are many differences in things like the themes, the plot, the symbols, and the characters that just cannot be neglected. The movie is more different to the book than similar because it removes important details, such as Jonas’ pale eyes, limiting exposure to themes like government surveillance, and changing the ending of the movie to being more literal. One element the movie changes is the connection between†¦show more content†¦Another element the movie changes was removing some themes such as government surveillance. Both forms of The Giver show some limited exposure to the fact the government spies on the Community. However, in the book, smal l details like how the Giver can turn off the speaker, how there are random announcements directed to specific people, and how doors aren’t locked show how much the government surveilles the people. For example, Jonas states his shock at the locked door to the Giver’s Annex on page 92, when Lowry says, â€Å"Then she [the Attendant] seemed to notice his discomfort and to realize its origin. No doors in the community were locked, ever. None that Jonas knew of, anyway.† In the movie, there is one scene showing someone going through video footage to see all of Jonas’ interaction with Fiona, but that’s about it. Another theme the movie removes was mocking today’s society. The entirety of the book is describing a world this society could potentially fall into. This helps it be more relatable to the people of this society. In the movie, it is implied the world is much farther from today due to details such as impeccable technology and memories giv en that happened relatively recently. This lets viewers distance themselves and say, â€Å"It’s just a movie.† Unfortunately, these details change the entire overall message of the book that Lowry tries to convey. The last thing the movie changes is the ending. The very ending ends in a similar fashion, JonasShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between The Giver Book And Movie740 Words   |  3 PagesThis essay is about comparing the Giver book and movie. The Giver is a story about a boy named Jonas who was chosen to be the community’s next Receiver of Memory. He lived in a community where everything was chosen for the citizens, and everything was perfect. During Jonas training, he realized that the community was missing something and that there was more in the world. Jonas wanted the everybody to know that. The Giver book was then made into a movie. 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