Monday, December 30, 2019

Poes Poetry Essay - 1269 Words

With fascinating rhyme scheme and an enthralling setting, Edgar Allen Poe draws readers into his dreadfully frightening poems. His poems are best known for being extremely grim and macabre, but with a hint of Romanticism in them. â€Å"The Raven† and â€Å"Annabel Lee† depict Romanticism being described by feelings and imagination. These poems reflect the reality that the author is dealing with different views in the way lovers grieving and the way of dealing with death. He is also able to make two poems that seem very similar completely different. These are all factors in both poems that make these two poems with a similar theme accomplish parallel purposes in emphasizing the theme of the unreliable narrator in Poe’s works. The unnamed narrators†¦show more content†¦This poem contains anger. The narrator is angry. He is sad that his wife is deceased but he is mad that God took her away from him. This narrator seems to be more resolute in his love over his love. He claims they have an eternal union that â€Å"neither the angels in heaven above/Nor the demons down under the sea† (Line 30-31) can separate them. This narrator has optimism, he sees an everlasting love; meanwhile the narrator from â€Å"The Raven† seems to have given up all hope and is willing to accept his fate. Edgar Allan Poe’s analysis on poetry is that every poem should be â€Å"rhythmical creation of beauty†. No other poems have captured the clever sense of rhythm and measure as much as â€Å"Annabel Lee† and â€Å"The Raven†. Poe is able to create two diverse poems from the same topic, while never wavering from his rhythmic formula. Though they both contain alliteration and similar rhythmic pattern, there is a faint difference between the two. â€Å"Thrilled me-filled me with fantastic terror never felt before/So that now, to the beating of my heart, I stood repeating.† This is from â€Å"The Raven† and the sense of rhythm and rhyme within the lines are fantastic. His writing is like a heartbeat where he reveals pieces of the story beat by beat. It sets the mood for the building urgency of the haunting verses that are forthcoming. While the rhythm and pace of Annabel Lee is just as phenomenal, the tone and content isShow MoreRelatedLife and Experiences of Tragey in Poes Poetry and Stories Essay795 Words   |  4 Pages The life and experiences of Poe are all incorporated into his poetry and stories. His life was filled with tragedy. Poe’s parents died when he was young, his foster mother, siblings and wife all died as well. On top of this throughout his life he accumulated debt and was constantly criticized by those around him. Dreamland is a journey alone in the world of dreams searching for something greater in life within what seems like a nightmare. Poe wrote this poem to show that people are constantly searchingRead MorePoetry In Poes The Raven By Edgar Allan Poe937 Words   |  4 Pagesword poetry we immediately think of romance and beauty. However, having read the poem â€Å"The Raven† by Edgar Allan Poe, we have concluded that even dark and gloomy poetry has its own meaning. While going through its stanzas, the magnificent style and rhythm of Poe’s writing made me feel like I also was in the room with the narrator. The poem itself is an incredible experience, filled with deep meanings and symbols that if you’re not aware of them you can totally misunderstand the plot. Poetry is anRead MoreAnalysis of Poes Successes and Failures in Poetry and Fiction1745 Words   |  7 PagesAn Analysis of Poes Successes and Failures in Poetry and Fiction Edgar Allan Poes career may have been a failure considering what he set out to do, but he did achieve some success and notoriety in his own lifetime. His most successful poem was, of course, The Raven, a piece he composed to satisfy popular taste. But some of his short fiction was popular as well. As an editor and publisher, however, Poe did not quite achieve the greatness he sought. His legacy grew only after his death, thanksRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Edgar Allan Poe And Robert Frost1081 Words   |  5 Pagesparticularly poetry. To the masses, Edgar Allan Poe and Robert Frost only share job titles, but the two poets share many similarities within their writing. Personally, I read pieces from both authors over the course of my schooling experience. I admired Robert Frost’s poem, â€Å"The Road Not Taken† from a young age, and that particular stole my heart since the first read. â€Å"The Raven,† became one of my favorite poems further down my schooling care er, with its clear ominous tone that symbolizes much of Poe’s writingRead More Edgar Allan Poe Essay1718 Words   |  7 Pagesviews on the world, human beings, and poetry, I believe his work remains popular and influential today because he remained true to his style and personality. However, I agree that he was dedicated to art for arts sake because his main intention was to express himself through his work. Poe did not bother with popular styles and techniques, but he was a master poet when it comes to adapting to different styles to convey his emotions appropriately. Overall, Poes poetry displays sentimentalism because heRead MoreAnalysis of Edgar Allen Poes The Raven Essay917 Words   |  4 Pagesof writing from poems to short stories. One of his most famous narrative poems is â€Å"The Raven.† There are many reasons to read the â€Å"The Raven.† One reason to read the poem is because it is a classic. Secondly, reading â€Å"The Raven† can give sigh t to Poe’s thoughts and feelings towards his life. Thirdly, the poem is a good example of the mind set of someone who has faced a loss. Another reason would be that the poem can represent trochaic octameter form. It can also represent narrative poem form. OfRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s The Raven944 Words   |  4 Pages While poetry is often thought of as the language of romance and love, there is a darker side of the art that is often not considered. Some poets throughout the centuries have mastered this more sinister side of poetry and used it to display the evils of humanity. Edgar Allan Poe, American Gothic poet, often wrote unsettling and dark poetry marrying the natural and supernatural in order to demonstrate difficult to grasp human emotions such as grief or depression. Poe’s The Raven is a powerful, yetRead MoreCriticism of Poe Essays1019 Words   |  5 Pagesmystery stories of the macabre and poetry, he is also known as one of the foremost figures in literary criticism. Poe alienated many of his colleagues due to the unyielding standards he demanded in the building of a worthy national literature, he is now credited for being one of the most influential figures in the advancement of literary traditions not only in America but in Europe as well, leaving an indubitable mark on the world of literature. Though Poes poems draw in the reader, at times reluctantlyRead MoreEssay about Poetry: Emotions in Words 1027 Words   |  5 PagesPoetry is an art form of expression and emotions through words. It encompasses the writer’s mood and point of view about a certain idea. Two poems that demonstrate the use of emotions in words are â€Å"Phenomenal Woman† by Maya Angelou, and â€Å"A Dream within a Dream†, by Edgar Allan Poe. Both of these poets are very important in the literary field even though their ways of writing contrast each other. Angelou is a revolutionist who is known around the world for her astounding stories of racism, familyRead Moreâ€Å"Because I could not stop for Death† and â€Å"Annabel Lee†: Similarities, Differences, and Their Authors1494 Words   |  6 Pagescharacterize an author’s writing making each work unique as different points of view are expressed within a writing’s words and sentences. This is the case, for example, of Edgar Allan Poe’s poem â€Å"Annabel Lee† and Emily Dickinson’s poem â€Å"Because I could not stop for Death.† Both poems focus on the same theme of death, but while Poe’s poem reflects that death is an atrocious event because of the suffering and struggle that it provokes, Dickinson’s poem reflects that death is humane and that it should not be

Sunday, December 22, 2019

How The Strategies Implemented Within The Classroom

The purpose of this study is to examine how the strategies implemented within the classroom are set in place to increase young adult literature engagement towards African-American males in middle through high school classrooms living in an inner city sector of North Texas. Inspecting the progression through the spectacles of critical race theory (CRT), this study examines how to review cultural response to adjust teaching to responding to the cultural needs and learning styles of African American male students, as a result of institutional racism, particularly through the teachers expectations, curriculum and how it negatively impacts African American male students in schools. The set of connections to be illustrated consist of dividing three fractions first I will examine teachers’ applications towards increasing literacy engagement for Black adolescent males. Then, borrowing from supporting theories and frameworks, I will explain why this is occurring to the students, highlighting what is happening within the region of North Texas of a large city. In section two, I inquire into an analysis of the problem, focusing on three aspects of CRT in education and reading barriers of African American male students in the classroom. Finally, in section three, I clarify existing multicultural professional development that addresses the problem from an organizational leadership approach and a classroom pedagogy approach. The research questions framing the study are as follows: 1.Show MoreRelatedDifferentiated Instruction On Implementing Practices And Teaching Strategies Essay1430 Words   |  6 PagesDifferentiated Instruction about Implementing Practices and Teaching Strategies. There are red people, blue people, green people, yellow people, big people, short people, and round people. No two people are alike so why do we teach every student the same way? 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

David Lynch as a Cult Auter Free Essays

David Lynch as a Cult Auteur David Lynch has long been known for his abstract, surrealist, highly ambiguous, and often confusing films. Since his first film, the bizarre and depressing Eraserhead, Lynch has become synonymous with the word â€Å"baffled. † He has been responsible for heady acid trips such as Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive, and Inland Empire. We will write a custom essay sample on David Lynch as a Cult Auter or any similar topic only for you Order Now He has created a bizarre examination of sex and violence in Blue Velvet and a quiet, emotional character study in The Elephant Man. Lynch has always been the artsy type; throughout high school, he was a keen painter, with a very abstract style, and after leaving school, he studied painting at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston in 1964. However, he left after only a year, stating that â€Å"I was not inspired AT ALL in that place†. He then proceeded to travel around Europe to study the works of Austrian expressionist painter Oskar Kokoschka. He returned to America, however, after only 15 days. He then studied Fine Arts at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia, before moving to Los Angeles in 1971 to study filmmaking at the AFI Conservatory. It was at this time that Lynch began winning grants in order to fund his films, including one for $10,000 which he received from AFI in 1970 to make his debut feature-length film, Eraserhead. Over his lengthy career, Lynch has been nominated for four Oscars, but has yet to win. Four of his films have been nominated for the Palme d’Or at the Cannes film festival; 1990? s Wild At Heart won the prestigious award, and Lynch also won Best Director at the festival for his 2001 film Mulholland Drive. Lynch, like many other burgeoning directors, started his audio visual career making short films. From 1966-1974, he created four of film history’s arguably most memorable shorts, leading up to his breakout, oft-critiqued feature, Eraserhead (1977). His style is defined by the dark, the grotesquely physical, and the straight out bizarre. Many of his shorts included animation of his paintings. Sound and music for films was also of utmost importance to the paranoia-filled atmosphere of his works. The dark and the bizarre were aspects he would carry over to his television show, Twin Peaks, which aired for two seasons in 1990 and 1991. Lynch is valuable because he explodes conventions, both cinematic and psychological, but it’s not enough for him to be as strange as possible—even an approach based on throwing off the fetters of the conventional and the logical demands a kind of discipline. The trick is to allow one’s imagination free play, but to be able to recognize what is genuinely strange and unsettling, rather than merely bizarre, to distinguish between the rare specimens you’ve unearthed from the darkness of the ocean floor and the seaweed clinging to you when you emerge from the water. It’s a completely unscientific process, and one that can’t be forced, so in a sense it’s achievement enough that Lynch has remained devoted to exploring his own subconscious, however successful he’s been in conveying his findings to the screen. Leading film critics Le Blanc and Odell state that Lynch’s films â€Å"are so packed with motifs, recurrent characters, images, compositions and techniques that you could view his entire output as one large jigsaw puzzle of ideas. One of the key themes that they noted was the usage of dreams and dreamlike imagery within his works, something they related to the â€Å"surrealist ethos† of relying â€Å"on the subconscious to provide visual drive. † This can be seen in John Merrick’s dream of his mother in The Elephant Man, Agent Cooper’s dreams of the red room in Twin Peaks and the â€Å"dreamlike logic† of the narrative found in Eraserhead, Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire . Another defining pattern of Lynch’s films is that he tends to feature his leading female actors in multiple or â€Å"split† roles, so that many of his female characters have multiple, fractured identities. This practice began with his choice to cast Sheryl Lee as both Laura Palmer and her cousin Maddy Ferguson in Twin Peaks and continued in his later works. In Lost Highway, Patricia Arquette plays the dual role of Renee Madison/Alice Wakefield, while in Mulholland Drive, Naomi Watts plays Diane Selwyn/Betty Elms and Laura Harring plays Camilla Rhodes/Rita and in Inland Empire, Laura Dern plays Nikki Grace/Susan Blue. By contrast, Lynch rarely creates multi-character roles for his male actors. In a short film titled â€Å"How to Make a David Lynch Film† a group of young film makers explored just that. In the short, the group highlight a number of definitive features found in Lynch’s films. They mention that â€Å"the people who like David Lynch do so because he is the master of mood, or because he’s all about atmosphere† and that â€Å"the ‘artsier’ the fan you speak to, the more they pretend to understand Lynch’s nonexistent plots. † Other Lynchian traits mentioned in the short include: * Unneeded tension brought about by dramatic pauses between dialogue * There must be ominous ounds or music in every scene to create a mysterious atmosphere * There must always be a character that goes by the name of Mr. , followed by a common first name (eg. Mr. Jimmy) * When in doubt, add close ups of eyes and lips * Phone calls to add suspense * Halfway through the film, change the actor/actress playing the lead character * In betwe en scenes always fade in and out of black * There should be nudity for no apparent reason * Random shots of out of focus movement * Lots of kissing * Painted fingernails * Lesbian love scenes At least one sex scene, often overexposed * Infantilism (eg. Dennis Hopper as Frank Booth in Blue Velvet) * Use of black and white * Abrupt endings and loose ends Lynch is an established auteur; in fact, not only does he write his screenplays, but he has been involved with every level of his films production at one point or another: sound design, editing, camera work, lighting, casting, special effects, music, etc. His hands-on approach to every aspect of his films has helped to tie them all together with a common thread. Lynch has sufficient strength of identity within his work and peculiarity of world view to warrant his position as auteur, and David Foster Wallace, in his ‘Premiere’ article for Lost Highway, said : â€Å"Whether you believe he’s a good auteur or a bad one, his career makes it clear that he is indeed, in the literal Cahiers du Cinema sense, an auteur, willing to make the sorts of sacrifices for creative control that real auteurs have to make – choices that indicate either raging egotism or passionate dedication or a childlike desire to run the sandbox, or all three. As Orson Welles said, â€Å"Cinema is the work of a single man, the director†. Lynch’s films, good or bad, successful or not, have been the work of a film-maker in control of his medium, aware of his position as auteur and willing to assert it within his texts. Many of Lynch’s works have developed a cult following over the years. Of note are Eraserhead, Blue Velvet and Mul holland Drive. There are also many in the Lynchian â€Å"cult† who are not film specific. That is, they are fans and followers of David Lynch himself, and are intrigued by all things Lynchian. The major reason that Lynch’s films stand the test of time is due to their very nature; because his innovative style is so surreal and cryptic, a selection of viewers are compelled to delve further into understanding his films. That’s the beauty of Lynch; his films deeply intrigue his audiences, igniting a thirst in the niche, cult followers to decipher meaning in films where others see none. In most cases, a director cannot really foresee whether or not a film will develop a cult following over time. However, a further urge to make sense of his works is almost inherent of Lynch’s style, and some may argue that Lynch has constructed his films with the intention of being labelled by society as ‘weird’, or ‘strange’. It almost gives his loyal followers an excuse to be self righteous of their involvement in the cult community; â€Å"Hey look at me, I study Lynchian films, aren’t I cultured? † It can give them a sense of intellectual snobbery. Lynch’s most recent feature, Mulholland Drive was initially scripted and filmed as a television pilot, however, the project was turned down by several networks, and so, after some deliberation, Lynch decided to finish the text as a feature film. As a pilot, the story didn’t have a proper ending, and it took Lynch quite some time to formulate an ending for the film; however he says that it all came to him one night when he sat down on a chair and closed his eyes. In Mulholland Drive, Lynch dwells upon the theme of duality of identity, set in the world of Hollywood. After the failure of both her movie career and her love affair, the main protagonist, Diane, imagines a fantasy of her as another character named Betty, by recreating her ruined career and failed relationship with the woman she loves. To further expand on his main themes of identity, fantasy and reality, duality of things and Hollywood, Lynch uses contrasted filming techniques for each of the parts of the movie, creating a visual dichotomy between Diane’s fantasy (where everything is embellished in a way, highly illuminated, colourful and visually striking) and reality (which is almost completely dark and uses very little lighting, making it seem quite surreal), thus blurring the edges between the two. In her fantasy, Diane loses her identity, as her dream presents another aspect of herself. One ight argue that this fantasy is actually Diane’s attempt at self-identification, but it is also another representation of her own personality. In the end, Diane must understand that she is comprised of, and capable of, both light and dark, good and evil, naivete and deep mystery. Therefore, she cannot escape or ignore the darker parts of herself – her failure, her hatred, her jealousy. Lynch has explai ned duality in his films in this way: â€Å"You must have the contrasts. Films should have power. The power of good and the power of darkness, so you can get some thrills and shake things up a bit. If you back off from that stuff, you’re shooting right down into lukewarm junk. †¦You have to believe things so much that you make them honest†. In other words, he argues that in order for films to be strong and powerful, they need to present both sides of a coin, an unrestricted view of life with all of its light and all of its darkness. However, according to him, there is no need to fear the darker side because it is a part of all of us: â€Å"Fear is based on not seeing the whole thing and, if you could get there and see the whole thing, fear is out the window†. Hence he argues that once we come to terms with these darker things and accept them as a natural contrast in all of us, rather than try to hide and escape them, we will be able to face and understand them. In an interview with The Denver Post during the release of Mulholland Drive, Lynch says: â€Å"we know that when we’re walking around we see the surface of things, but sometimes we sense something more, sometimes what we sense approaches a kind of dreamlike state. Those feelings take on a life of their own; they are just as real as anything else. † This echoes Breton’s lecture that these often dichotomous forces of inner and external reality â€Å"are the one and the same thing. † However, Lynch does make note that we do approach these various layers of reality in different ways: â€Å"We have waking, sleeping and dreaming—for most people that’s what we deal with. So all of them are real, though the brain functions in a different way for each. The final movement of Mulholland Drive asks its viewers to reinterpret the first 100 minutes of screen time as now being a universe fabricated in the consciousness of small-time, failed-actor Diane Selwyn, who lies dying (or dead) somewhere in a run-down apartment in Hollywood. Linking the narrative material of the film’s final movement to the material that preceded it becomes critical in terms of how one understands the workings of the film. Of course, crucial a s it may be to connect narrative information to the film’s internal structures, it is not this alone that makes Mulholland Drive such a unique experience. As in much of Lynch’s other work, the film asks its viewers to attend to every aspect of its construction, from colour schemes to camera movement, from music and sound to performance, from lighting to editing patterns, from set design to costume and make-up. In short, every element of the film’s construction can be a container of possible meaning. Because of this, most viewers miss much of the film’s meaning, and walk out of the theatre complaining that it made no sense. Others, however, may pick up on certain symbols or motifs, and are intrigued to decipher their meaning after viewing. What’s especially interesting in Lynch’s films is the way the entire mise-en-scene is presented as meaningful and significant. The hierarchy of significance that we associate with most movies, where some things are to be attended to more than others, is abandoned. We can never tell while watching a scene – at least the first time around – what its most significant features are. It’s possible that a seemingly minor detail will turn out be of critical importance. Everything is presented on the same level of significance. Over the years, Mulholland Drive has developed a cult following in a niche audience, and many of its devout followers are continuously attempting to decipher elements of the film. The website mulholland-drive. net is an extensive database of information regarding the film, where the film’s loyal followers can discuss the film and share their understanding of certain elements of the movie. Since all of the posts on the site are by members of the niche audience, it gives everyone a chance to see what other people thought of the movie and their analysis of its meaning. The website epitomises the commitment of members of a films cult following. To conclude, it is fair to say that David Lynch has well established himself in society as a cult auteur to be reckoned with. His abstract style often leaves his viewers with more questions than answers, and for some viewers, a desire to learn more. It is this factor that has essentially led to Lynch’s grandiose cult status. His followers are intrigued by his ambiguity. Although his time as a director will inevitably come to an end, the legacy of his films will last forever through their cult status. ——————————————- [ 1 ]. Lynch and Rodley, 2005, p. 33 [ 2 ]. David Lynch. (2013, March 16). In  Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia [ 3 ]. Le Blanc and Odell, 2000, p. 08 [ 4 ]. Lynch and Rodley, 2005, p. 148 [ 5 ]. Cook, 1986 [ 6 ]. David Lynch On Mulholland Drive, DVD Extra [ 7 ]. Lynch and Rodley, 2005, p. 15 0 [ 8 ]. Lynch and Rodley, 2005, p. 244 [ 9 ]. â€Å"Lynch composes cerebral symphony†, Rosen, 2001 [ 10 ]. Breton, ed. Fotiade 2000, p. 04 How to cite David Lynch as a Cult Auter, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Supply Chain Management Process Includes Management

Question: Write an essay about the "supply chain management". Answer: Introduction Supply chain management is a process that includes management of its supplies and flow of goods and services from the producers to the suppliers to the end user that is consumer. It is a process that describes the channeling of goods from being stored in store houses to undergoing a process production. It is a movement and storage of goods from point to point consumption (Fawcett et al., 2014). Online selling of goods is a new concept that is now accepted globally over the age of internet. Purchase of good has now become more convenient for customers. E-commerce is the electronic commerce where the transaction of goods and services between the sellers and the buyers through the online sources that is the internet. The online retailers are on rise. Retail involves the purchase and sell of goods and services to customers through various distribution and marketing channels. The retail demand and supply depends on the supply chain of the company. Sustainability can be defined as producti on and usage of goods and service at present without hampering the future generation. The report analyzes the businesss global logistics, supply chain channels and sustainability throughout the value chain all the way to the end user or the customers. The main aim of the report is to describe the strategic tangible assets of a firm, the value chain, andexplain how to harmonize the value chain to achieve strategic outcomes (Fernie, Sparks, 2014). Industry overview Dell Inc. is a private multinational computer technology company based in America. It headquarter is in Texas, United States and the company is involved in repairing, developing and selling computer and the other related products. The company was formed in the year 1984 by Michael Dell. Dell is one of the largest technological corporations that sells and develops many products such as personal computers, servers, data storage devices, software, cameras, printers and music players. The company is engaged in employing more than 103,300 people worldwide. The company is well known for its innovation in supply chain management and electronic commerce. The company is also well known because of the integration of the concept of e-commerce in its process and operations. The online retailing of the company started in the year 1994 where the company was involved in selling products worth more than a million dollar per year. By 2000 the company was the largest seller of personal computers worldwide. The innovative idea of involving in online selling of the computers was the result of developing a business model that would allow the company to sell the computers even at the era without internet via mail. Another factor that contributed in motivating the company for launching was the treat from its competitor Compaq. The company has expanded its online operations in other countries as well such as Europe and Asia. Its first retail store was launched in India. The company has expanded its retail branches to many other countries such as India, United States, Canada, Moscow, and United Kingdom. In the year 2015 the company was the third largest seller of computers after HP and Lenovo ("Dell Official Site for Home Business IT Solutions | Dell India", 2016). Supply chain management Logistics management also known as supply chain management is the flow of goods and services from the producers to the distributors to wholesalers, retailers and finally to consumers. . The main aim of the supply chain management is to distribute and produce the amount that is sold in the market without any inventory left. Supply chain involves three processes (Wisner et al., 2015). One is the product flow management where there is movement of goods from suppliers to customers. The next step is information flow management that involves transmitting orders and updating the status of delivery. The lat step is financial flow that consists of payments through credit system. The system of supply chain management is widely used in engineering industries, operations management, logistics and information technology (Waters Rinsler, 2014). The main aim of supply chain management is to plan, map, perform, check, and control the supply chain actions with the purpose of synchronizing demand wit h supply to improve its presentation globally. There are two main types of supply chain software- execution and planning application (Stadtler, 2015). Supply chain management is the used by the business house to provide an effective service to its customers by developing a sustainable business considering all the aspects from suppliers to customers. Supply chain management of Dell is known to be the best in the world. The company uses the direct model to manage its supply chain management and its linkages as it believes in directly dealing with customers. The supply chain management helped the company clear its stock of inventories. The companies use four steps to manage its supply chain skills. . It depends on assessing whats going on in the business and then it designs the supply chain to match the requirements of customers. The company also enables the capability and tries to stabilize the situation in company to make sure it works (Govindan et al., 2015). Dell believes in creating a unique supply chain in order to achieve its goals. It gathers large volume of information from its customers through its direct sales model. The supply chain management team in the company identifies logistics network by identifying current costs of the products in all countries, regions, service level and transportation. The information available to the company helps it to develop strategy keeping in mind the future opportunities. The company used supply chain management to gain competitive advantage from its competitors. The company believes in targeting the customers and its supply depends on the customer segmentation that is divides into three groups as large organizations, small and medium businesses and personal customers (Monczka et al., 2015). The supply chain of Dell is unique because of its in built strategy. This strategy involves the process where once the order is placed by customer all the configuration details are sent to the manufacturing d epartment and the assembling department also starts assembling the PCs. Once the manufacturing is complete and all the softwares are downloaded it is shippers to the customers. The timely delivery of products to its customers as per the requirement makes the supply chain more effective (Richards, 2015). The supply chain helps the company in reducing stocks and inventory as the company indulges in supplying those good only for which it has demand. It also helps the company in building a strong relationship with its customers. In some cases the customers even pay before the company supplies its products. The use of supply chain management is involved in all levels of market planning that is strategic, tactical and operational level. The company has followed an effective supply chain integration that involves use of minimum number of suppliers and effective communication. It also uses internet to bridge the gap between the promoter and the company. The company also has special set of analysts who are efficient in forecasting the demand of its product in the market. Value chain analysis plays an important role in determining demand and supply of the product (Coyle et al., 2012). Maintaining ethics is the top priority of the company and want its employees to follow all the rules of condu ct that the company formulates. The company also ensures that it maintains an effective management process at all levels of logistics chain. The suppliers of the Dell product are required to be ethical and it believes employing employees from diverse workforce. The company did not believe in establishing middlemen and believes in directly dealing with customers. It started out as a direct seller from mail-order system and then taking advantages of the internet for selling its products online. The companys online sell has increased due to the internet and establishments of retail shops worldwide (Fernie Sparks, 2014). Linkages of the companys activities Dells success story greatly depends on its innovation in supply chain management. Company believes in establishing direct relationship with its customers instead of engaging middlemen in its supply and distribution channel. The linkages are effective for the company as it depends on partnering with customers and suppliers and not over powering them. Dell was able to gain competitive advantage to it operation because it got rid with the entire traditional distribution channel and established a direct relationship with its customers (Epstein Buhovac, 2014). It believed in adding and investing the capital to the activities that added value to the company. The formula known as direct business model helped the company decrease its stock of inventories and cost and helped the company increases the profit. The virtual integration concept introduced by dell has potential to achieve both coordination and focus. It involves strategies that are built on the basis of client focus, dealer partne rships, and group customization and just in time manufacturing (Holweg Helo, 2014). Sustainability: Sustainability refers to creating an environment that is healthy for the future generation without hampering the development of present generation. The main problem with the supply chain management is the issue of sustainability that affects the organizations logistics network. If a company wants to provide a sustainable product to its customers then it should ensure that the entire process of the value or supply chain management is sustainable (Czinkota et al., 2014). Sustainability includes maintaining the customers expectation and ability to manage the companys environmental, social, ethical issues on life-cycle throughout the supply chain from manufacturers to the retailers. It also refers to social corporate responsibility. Dell believes in maintain sustainability throughout the entire process from manufacturing to distribution. It ensures that the suppliers that are engaged in the activities are ethical in their business code and follows the business laws and ethics. The supply chain management of the company is transparent in nature. The suppliers of Dell are required to present global reporting initiative annually that is based on the sustainability report (Mol, 2013). The company is responsible for ethical business practices and believes in delivering high standards of behavior. It was the first company in technology industry to go green in the sense to establish the recycling concept in its process. The company employs employees from diverse workforce and respects the culture of each and every employee. It is one of the founder members of Electronic Industry Citizenship coalition code of conduct (EICC) that aims at improving the efficiency of the community by improving its social, environmental, political and ethical condition (Caplan, et al., 2016). The company has a list of requirements that the global suppliers engaged with industry must follow. The list is to ensure that the company supplies to its customers are sustainable in nature. Sustainability requires the manufacturers, distributers, wholesalers, retailers and even the customers to be ethical in their attitude. However with the introduction of online channeling and selling it is becomi ng difficult for the company to track the record of sustainability of its suppliers and retailers (Schaltegger Burritt, 2014). The sustainability report presented by the company includes various parameters such as focus on customers, innovation, managing supply chain activities, being transparent and accountable, and being ethical in nature. Achieving sustainability is the top priority for the company. The company uses the left over plastics used by the customers to manufacture new computers that help the company reduce the impact of its material sourcing and process on environment ("Forbes Welcome", 2016). Conclusion Supply chain management is an operation that requires careful planning and management. Efficient supply chain helps in reducing stocks and inventories. The author in this report chooses to analyze the Dell Company because it is the most innovative online retail company in terms of its sustainable management approach. . The company also focuses on providing the sustainable good and services to its end uses. The main focus of the company is to ensure that its suppliers are efficient in following the rules and regulations set by the company. The companys story of surviving the tough competition is inspiring. Its adoption of direct business model and value integration was the main key to success and helped the company built direct relationship with its customers. References Caplan, D., Dutta, S. K., Lawson, R. A. (2016). Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives Across the Value Chain.Journal of Corporate Accounting Finance,27(4), 57-66. Coyle, J., Langley, C., Novack, R., Gibson, B. (2012).Supply chain management: a logistics perspective. Cengage Learning. Czinkota, M., Kaufmann, H. R., Basile, G. (2014). The relationship between legitimacy, reputation, sustainability and branding for companies and their supply chains.Industrial Marketing Management,43(1), 91-101. Dell Official Site for Home Business IT Solutions | Dell India. (2016). Retrieved 19 June 2016, Epstein, M. J., Buhovac, A. R. (2014).Making sustainability work: Best practices in managing and measuring corporate social, environmental, and economic impacts. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Fawcett, S. E., Ellram, L. M., Ogden, J. A. (2014).Supply chain management: from vision to implementation. London: Pearson. Fernie, J., Sparks, L. 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(2015).Supply Chain Implications In Regards To Consumer Behavior In Online Retail: Site-To-Store Versus Direct Shipping(Doctoral dissertation, Texas Christian University Fort Worth, Texas). Schaltegger, S., Burritt, R. (2014). Measuring and managing sustainability performance of supply chains: Review and sustainability supply chain management framework.Supply Chain Management: an international journal,19(3), 232-241. Stadtler, H. (2015). Supply chain management: An overview. InSupply Chain Management and Advanced Planning(pp. 3-28). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Waters, D., Rinsler, S. (2014).Global logistics: New directions in supply chain management. Kogan Page Publishers. Wisner, J., Tan, K. C., Leong, G. (2015).Principles of supply chain management: a balanced approach. Cengage Learning.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Jesus Colons Little Things Are Big and Langston Hughes Thank You Mam Analysis Essay

Table of Contents Introduction Common Themes in the Two Stories Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Social relations are often premised on the interaction that usually has adverse outcomes, or even leading to different types of conflicts. Social conflicts and problems are regularly exposed in the literature to undermine the importance of favoring a positive social environment and encouraging effective decision-making.   The essay shall analyze the power of social prejudices on the basis of the analysis of â€Å"Little things Are Big† by Jesus Colon and â€Å"Thank You Ma’am† by Langston Hughes .Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Jesus Colon’s Little Things Are Big and Langston Hughes’ Thank You M’am Analysis Essay specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Common Themes in the Two Stories The two short stories represent social challenges that the heroes should overcome to under stand the problem and define how it can be solved. In this respect, both works represent three types of confrontation – individual, relational, and societal. In the narrations under the analysis, there is an explicit confrontation of the heroes with their selves. Hence, the first story by Hughes narrates the story where the boy Rogers fights with his desire to steal the purse because he wants to buy the blue suede shoes. At the same time, he realizes that stealing is not the only way to get what he wants. As the plot develops, while fighting between the two edges, the character realizes that his behavior is disruptive and will not help him achieve his goals. A similar fight occurs in the hero of Colon’s story. According to â€Å"Little Things Are Big† summary, he is a Puerto Rican and tries to fit the existing stereotypes of the ethnic group. At the same time, he is also obsessed with the existence of racial differences with people, which limits his outlook on s ocial interaction with people. Being focused on his ethnic affiliation, the hero expresses his extreme hesitations, whether he should help a woman in her early twenties or not. By convincing himself about the prejudicial attitudes of the woman, he fails to assist the woman. Both stories by the two writers also represent interpersonal conflicts revealing the meaning of relationship and interaction between people with different social and cultural backgrounds. Hence, the boy has no one to look after him, which results in inappropriate social behavior. Lack of communication and proper upbringing that lead the main character to outlaw actions against society. The woman tries to teach him how to behave in society and, as a result, she distributes roles by considering a boy her son and herself his mother: â€Å"You ought to be my son. I would teach you right from wrong† (Hughes 71).Advertising Looking for essay on comparative literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In such a way, she tries to meet the existing social norms. Moreover, from the â€Å"Little Things Are Big† analysis it is clear that roles distribution is also presented in the Colon’s stories when the main hero starts defining the social status by the color of skin: â€Å"How could I, a black and a Puerto Rican, approach this lady?† (Colon 116). Looking from these perspectives, both heroes were fully aware of the social constraints but lacked sufficient understanding of social norms. Lack of social awareness and cross-cultural understanding is revealed through the conflict between the self and society, as represented in both short stories. Hence, the main hero of Hughes’s story is placed within the social setting where the main hero is deprived of care and responsibilities. As is clear from the Langston Hughes’ â€Å"Thank you M’am† analysis, the main character does not understand his fau lts and believes that his behavior is the only way to achieve his purposes. At the same time, Mrs. Jones attempts to fulfill the role of the mother because she lives in a socially isolated setting. Similarly, Colon’s hero follows social stereotypes, which prevents him from fulfilling social obligations. Conclusion In conclusion, comparative analysis of â€Å"Thank you Ma’am† by Hughes and â€Å"Little Things Are Big† by Colon   shows that both stories represent how social vices affect human relationships. Lack of social awareness and impossibility to conform to societal norms prevents the characters from making decisions. At the same time, the short stories provide a moral lesson for people and teach them to behave following the ethical and moral codes. Works Cited Colon, Jesus. ‘Little Things Are Big’ A Puerto Rican In New York and Other Sketches. US: International Publishers, 1982. Print. 116-117. Hughes, Langston, ‘Thank You M†™am’ The Best Short Stories by Black Writers: The Classic Anthology from 1899 to 1967. US: Little, Brown, 1967. Print. 71-73. This essay on Jesus Colon’s Little Things Are Big and Langston Hughes’ Thank You M’am was written and submitted by user Briley Wallace to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Holes Essay Example

Holes Essay Example Holes Paper Holes Paper The book of Holes is world famous. I had to go to buy it as my friends recommended the book. They said that Louis Sachar is an amazing writer, with a wide imagination. I am reviewing this superb writing and I will be telling you why you should buy this exciting novel. It all starts when Stanley Yelnats commits a crime and he is sent to Camp Green Lake (a juvenile detention centre). Where he meets strange people and discovers magnificent places. There are lots of twists in the book (I can promise you that you wont want to put the book down). The settings in the book help create an atmosphere that will make the reader want to read on when it says During the daytime, temperature hovers around ninety-five degrees in the shade if you can find any shade. When we first arrive at Camp Green Lake with Stanley on the bus we see that The land was barren and desolate. He could see a few rundown buildings and some tents. It sets the scene that says it isnt going to be as he thought it was. Louis Sachar also describes Green Lake before the Camp is built, he talks about the history, and what lives on the lake. The characters are cleverly written, they are all different from each other, and some of them dont seem to get along with each other. Three of the most effective characters are Stanley Yelnats, he is the protagonist in the book. Stanley is an overweight boy, who had problems in his child hood, so that made him cautious of what to say and do. He also seems a bit dim, on the bus he seemed to think that Camp Green Lake was going to be really fun. Stanley is always in the plot, he has a wide imagination and he proves that he is very brave in the book. Zero is a character that comes across as very shy, but he surprises us and shows what he is really like. Zero cannot read or write, so people tease him Mr Pendanski says, they call you Zero because you cant do anything, he is unfairly treated, but he is a main character in the plot. Also, the Warden is a interesting character. The boys are afraid of her, because of her short temper, and you dont know what she will do next. She makes the book tense when she says, this venom will kill a man if it gets in to your skin, but dont worry it is extremely safe, when dry! One of the most original features of this story is three interlocking narratives. The first concerns Stanley arriving at Camp Green Lake, this causes a lot of tension when Stanley said thanks for the ride as he was getting off the bus, and the driver said be careful. Stanley didnt know weather he was saying be careful of the steps, or of Camp Green Lake. The second is about Madam Zeroni and his great great Grand father. This is written as flash back so it becomes really interesting for the reader to learn important facts about Stanleys history. Finally, the third is about Kate Barlow, this is also written as flashbacks. It is very important as you start to understand more on whet is happening, and it says a lot of clues in what is about to happen. Holes is a great book cleverly written by Louis Sachar. The English and Media Magazine, and The Times praise it. Also, you will notice that Louis Sachar likes to repeat specific words, to make it tense and exciting. Also, I would give this book 5 out of 5 for its vocabulary and imagination. I would recommend this book to every age above 8+. I couldnt put this book down, my opinion is it is a must read book. Finally, this book is recommended to everybody. Packed with excitement, this is a favourite of mine, and soon to be yours.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Evidence-Based Practice Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Evidence-Based Practice - Coursework Example The resources must include online search engines and access to patient’s history, which must be provided to the nursing staff for proper implementation of EBP. There is limited access to data, and the nurses do not have complete information about this practice. There is limited access to the analysis of the data for the nurses to work efficiently (Hockenberry, Wilson, & Barrera, 2006). Time allocation is a very important issue, which is one of the biggest obstacles to implementing EBP. In  order to promote the practice of EBP, some institutes pay the nurses to take a time-out and participate in the activities of EBP so that they can have complete knowledge about it, and it becomes easier for them to apply it in their work. Working environment of the institutions is important to support EBP. Some institutions have such an environment, which neglects EBP. For EBP to have the potential impact on patient care environment must be provided to motivate and implement EBP (Hockenberry, Wilson, & Barrera, 2006). The above-mentioned obstacles are very necessary to be removed in order to implement EBP for the facilitation and effective care of the patients. All the staff must work together to help each other and also help each other to implement the applications of EBP. The patient-care is the main motto, which can be achieved to a greater extent with the help of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Theories of Political economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theories of Political economy - Essay Example This determines the fact that only a majority of choices (or greater purchasing power) will support the existence of a commodity in a market. Democracy demands that the choices of all consumers must be enforced, and also maintains the representation of minorities. However, free market economy does not support minorities because its terms are dependent on greater numbers and purchasing power. If a minority lacks any of these factors it suffers from free market economy and inherently rules out the effect of democracy in the same scenario. Secondly the 'trickle-down effect' is another product of joint democracy and free market economy. The rich earn the purchasing power to have the most desirable and newest innovations until diminishing marginal utility lowers its demand. Eventually its cost falls and reaches to minorities which eventually satisfies democratic movement as well. For example, automobiles that have depreciated over 5 years are sent to third world countries, reconditioned but not valid for their home country. Or majorities that cannot afford electric automobiles are compelled to purchase ones that run with gasoline, which is much more expensive in long term. Democracy would demand equal right and chance for communities to avail a new product/technology, but it is these situations that undermine democratic institutions. This cannot be regulated since it would require democratic institutions to control demand and supply, which is highly unfavorable for a free market economy. Instead a free market economy ta kes support from an 'invisible hand' which comes in the form of trickle-down effect. Democracy is an illusion in itself for workers and labor. Governments provide a legal infrastructure, stable currency, educated workforce and law enforcement. As there is a requirement for more workforces, Government arranges for that requirement through their own public establishments. Therefore, as free market suggests 'let the forces of demand and supply decide', ultimately it is the corporations that decide how much to pay for labor and how to trade. Hence markets are created by the government; it is the government alone that authorizes organizations to exist. Throughout this process, there is no enforcement of democracy, even in the manner of strong labor unions; there is mostly an upper hand of corporations because it is they who form industry norms. Democracy cannot lead to elimination of free market economy because it itself is thriving on free market practice. Major ameliorative institutions from Medicaid and Social Security in the US are running from this mechanism. Capitalist system creates better societies for the affluent because they pay higher taxes, such as free market economy supports, and likewise for less established societies despite support of democratic government. Free market is a powerful influence that motivates entrepreneurs and enterprising people to work harder and perform more. Elimination of free market would backfire through the channel of democratic approach. Question 5 The question of whether the two seemingly contradictory positions of Marx's argument about labor and freedom is a question of ends. Working for economic ends has always been a commonplace since the advent of industrial capitalism. The European work ethic

Monday, November 18, 2019

Ethical KM Training for Tata Steel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethical KM Training for Tata Steel - Essay Example However, the essay will discuss how social, cultural and organizational issues affected system development process and information system. In addition to this, the essay will also focus on the taken measures by Tata Steel in order to overcome the ongoing issues. Earlier, Tata Steel was only a general manufacturing organization. But, the organizational management has realized that there are internal issues that may affect the business performance of the organization (McGrath, 2003). The management of the organization purposely adopted knowledge management aspect in the organization operational process to overcome organizational, cultural and social issues. In terms of organizational issues, the management of the organization was only focusing on the centralization process and strict hierarchical structure. This aspect affected system development process as centralized organizational structure and culture affected the motivation aspect of both employees other important organizational stakeholders. It is true that, The management of Tata Steel has adopted several programmes and development processes regarding knowledge management, but lack of employee engagement before the KM process affected strategy development and decision making process (Gr iffiths, 2012). Inadequate workplace diversity also created issues for the management of the organization. Before the implementation of knowledge management system in the other organizational process, the management of Tata Steel found out some culture related issues in the management (Hobhm, 2004). The employees of the organization were self-centric and they did not feel free to share their views and knowledge with others. It actually affected the collaborative workplace performance of the organization.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

Computer Assisted Instruction in Education Essay

Computer Assisted Instruction in Education Essay INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In recent years, due to advancement of computer technology, the concept of Computer Assisted Instruction is now more prevalent, and has become a trend (Yang Wang, 2001). Electronic learning popularly referred to as e-learning is increasingly becoming acceptable in tertiary institutions all over the world. This is as a result of the opportunity provided by higher institutions and more students taking part in it (OECD, 2005). Digital learning is basically the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to enhance and support learning teaching and research (Eteng Ntui, 2009). With digital learning, there is a shift from the traditional approach of teacher-directed didactic to modern methods where computer technology plays an significant role, thereby improving the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of teaching, learning, research and educational management. Its methods including the integration of the World Wide Web, multimedia, information search, electronic libraries , and remote learning. In this digital age, teachers must deal with the challenge and developmental opportunities of how to appropriately use information technology and how to integrate various educational materials into course design and teaching methods (Rosenberg, 2001). The characteristics of digital learning is different from the characteristics of traditional classroom environment learning, and can improve upon some learning problems of students who are physically or mentally challenged, helping them to learn more effectively (Chen, 2003). It provides stimulation from different channels such as words, pictures, sounds, animation, and images, and can frequently help students use learning functions of different sensory organs, and achieve the learning targets of diverse wisdom (Li, 1998). In designing digital learning, scholars emphasize that learning ideals rather than computer technology should lead the design of a computerized learning environment (Chiou Chong, 1993; Yang W ang, 2001). The need for digital learning has now become important more than ever before as the objective of university education in Nigeria as defined in the National Policy on education (2000) includes the provision of high level manpower for national development and this is to be achieved through its programme of teaching, learning and research. Digital learning can help adults in developing their literacy and innumeracy skills, while also building Information Communication and Technology skills for life and work (CILIP, 2005). In spite of the bright prospect of digital learning in the country, it is so worrisome that there are some hurdles militating against the effective use of the educational technology in Nigeria. Folorunso, Ogunseye, Sharma (2006) and Resnick (2002) indicates that mass unawareness, low computer literacy level and cost were identified as critical factors affecting the acceptability of digital learning by students and lecturers of Nigerian universities. Sharma, Ekundayo, Ngige (2009) points out that digital learning place high demand on learners who have to be more proactive and disciplined than in traditional face-to-face education whereas this proactiveness and discipline is lacking. Various barriers to ICT use in Africa schools have been identified to include: poor infrastructure, epileptic power supply, lack of electricity, lack of trained personnel, poverty, inadequate funding and limited or no internet access (Aladejana, 2007; Jegede, 2005). STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM While there had been a giant attempt at integrating digital learning into instruction in other advanced countries, Nigeria is not yet fascinated by the potential of technology to enhance teaching and learning. Many of our schools are lagging behind in integrating technology into instruction. Teachers are apprehensive about improving and modifying instruction by incorporating the new technologies (Huckle, 1997). According to Salomon (1989), there are clear indications from many developing countries like Nigeria that the supply of relevant and appropriate software is a major bottleneck obstructing wider application and utilization of digital learning in Nigeria tertiary institutions. Schulmeister (2006) states that experience proved that the benefits of digital learning could not be fully taken advantage of, expectations could not be met and that technology often was used to simply reinforce outmoded approaches to learning. Resnick (2002) criticizes that even though Information Communi cation Technology is applied in education, the approaches to teaching and learning remain largely unchanged. There is therefore non-availability of internet access in some tertiary institutions because of the recurrent cost of bandwidth. Inequality of access to technology is the challenge of digital divide existing among the student in Nigeria tertiary institution (Omofaye, 2007). Thus, some of them are unable to afford computers due to the relative cost to the average income of workers in the country (Ajadi, Salawu, Adeoye, 2008). The cost of accessing the internet in Nigeria is still on the high side, some students find it a challenge to afford (Arikpo, Osofisan, Usoro, 2009) PURPOSE Based on the aforementioned research background and the statement of the problem, the purpose of this study is to explore the utilization and effect of digital learning on students in Lagos state Tertiary Institutions. RESEARCH QUESTIONS The following questions will guide this study: What is the level of awareness of students on the availability of Digital learning in Nigeria tertiary institution? What is the status of the utilization of digital learning? What are the challenges faced in the utilization of Digital learning on students? SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The study is significant in that it will provide information about the current status of utilization of modern technology in Nigerian secondary schools. It will also provide baseline data for future policy regarding technology training and the development of strategic plans aimed at encouraging technology-based innovation in teacher education programs. It is also hoped that this study will trigger off more research studies that will inform/encourage implementation of new technology in teacher education. This study will be useful to inform teachers on how use digital learning to teach students which will address the needs of students with different learning styles and motivation. It will offer great potential to transform and improve student learning, engagement and retention and support student success which will help institutional goals with potential benefits including improved retention and time savings for instructors. Average teachers will benefit as digital learning will help r each their excellent peers and take complex tasks off their to-do lists, enabling them to focus on the parts of teaching at which they can excel. Through technology, they can also obtain real-time data and advice about how to help each of their students succeed, saving time and improving performance. It will make it easy for teachers to personalize instruction, which many average teachers find difficult or impossible to achieve with whole classrooms of students with a wide array of needs. Also teachers will increasingly be able to teach more students in person as digital learning replaces portions of instruction in an individualized fashion and provides time-saving student data; reach students remotely via technology; and capture and share their performances and methods widely through video and smart software that individualizes learning. Even among excellent teachers, various people will thrive in different roles. By emphasizing the use of simulation games to teach mathematics, it is hoped that the study will lead to the improvement of mathematics teaching and learning in our secondary schools. The general poor performance of students in mathematics and their attitudes towards some aspects of the subject are expected to be better. With this study, the researcher aims at exposing the teachers and students to the importance of using simulation games to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics. Technology and digital learning can increase the ability to meet the needs of individual students. Whether through the availability of timely data or the ability to connect students with the content and activities that meet their learning styles and needs, technology and digital learning provide opportunities for teachers to personalize learning for more students at any given time. HYPOTHESES There is no significant difference between the challenges faced in the utilization of digital learning and students performance. There is no significant difference between the level awareness of students and availability of digital learning in tertiary Nigeria institutions. There is no significant difference between status and utilization of digital learning. SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY This study will cover the teaching and learning activities in Lagos State Tertiary Institutions. CHAPTER TWO:  LITERATURE REVIEW DIGITAL LEARNING RESOURCES In this study, the term digital learning resources refers to learning premises and platforms that include technology enablers such as laptops, multimedia, CD-ROMs, and Internet resources. Digital learning resources can give students authentic as well as up-to-date information that is not necessarily available in textbooks. Generally, e-learning resources are useful as they represent a collection of cultural and scientific knowledge accumulated over the years (Yeo Tan, 2008). Moreover, this type of resource can be useful to students because it can foster their learning and their critical thinking, their ability to make connections between different concepts, and bridge the gap between their theoretical and practical knowledge (Palmer, 2007). Despite this, availability of resources does not lead to automatic learning improvement; in fact, productive use of resources can be difficult to achieve (Bera Liu, 2006). Technologies and Methods of Teaching There are evidences supporting the introduction and use of new technologies in instruction. The World Bank (2004) opined that ICTs should be considered within education for the purpose of reforming curriculum, reinforcing teaching/learning and to improve leaning. The UN Secretary of State (2005) speaking on the role of technology in education said we must ensure that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are used to help unlock the doors of education. As a result, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) came up with this policy to co-operate with the private sector, to make available the benefits of new technologies, especially ICTs to increase educational opportunities and unlock the door of education. As a result of this, new technologies are being disseminated into educational institutions at a rapid rate. For the new technologies to be effectively utilized, teachers at all levels need not only to be proficient in the technologies but must also be well versed in its effect ive integration into their instruction. The major area Nigeria could meet this expectation is the teachers preparation in the methods class. It is in the methods class that the students can see their teachers modelling the use or lack of use of the technology. The use or lack of use of the new technologies may widely affect the students in future as regard whether to use them or not. CHALLENGES OF DIGITAL LEARNING The information on any subject which has been put on the web need to be transformed to knowledge at some stage for it to be made useful. As suggested by Mehdi (2004) it can be extremely easy and quick to transfer information from one place to another, it is often very difficult and slow to transfer knowledge from one person to another .There have been devised several methods to ease the process of conversion of information to knowledge, digital age has enabled swift transfer of information and now strives to produce faster ways to convert it to knowledge. Teresa John (2007) talked about the various evolutions in digital learning like word-processing, hypermedia, Computer-mediated Communications, New Literacy Studies, Digital Archives and Information Literacy. The best effective method for this conversion cant be defined as learning ability differs from person to person and different tools produce different results in individuals. We usually tend to divide these groups based on age, country or technical background. The various needs for direction of development in the field of digital learning have been felt since a long time. We cant expect every individual to respond in a similar manner to tools that are available for digital learning. Therefore different tools and teaching methods are required for different groups of people which can be implemented with the help of human computer interaction (HCI) as emphasized by Bee Laurel (2004). Another issue is the awareness to all new tools which can be helpful to a learner which can also be done with human computer interaction. Also a matter of concern is that there still exists a small population who is completely devoid of digital learning even if they can afford it. This is largely because of various myths and unawareness. As marked by Guerra, Alfonzo, Suarez, Hernandez Milan (2007) teaching aids have moved from blackboard to projector transparencies and then to video projectors and PowerPoint. The teachers are u sually not able to produce very effective multimedia or other forms of digital learning. This is quite obvious as we cant expect every teacher to be a multimedia expert. The Development of various tools was done so as to enable the learners to acquire he knowledge easily. Another issue is the capital required for the spreading awareness, conducting workshops, providing training and releasing new education tools and multimedia products for learning. PERCEPTION ON DIGITAL LEARNING To successfully create digital learning program, we need to ensure that value really is there and it is in concrete terms. That means we need to sell learners on the truthful proposition that participation will provide benefits worth the time and effort. The curriculum needs to be the point of reference for creating an effective digital learning. Doing so will stimulate vital motivation and give the program a chance to succeed (Allen, 2003). Bad digital learning perception may be due to lack of understanding, lack of communication, and lack of trust or conflicting agendas in appropriate use technology. Some goal coaching and awareness exercises are probably needed to strengthen peoples perception (Allen, 2003). It is important to realize that learners are both emotional and intellectual; and emotions have much effect on peoples perception and what they do. In some digital learning studies conducted in developing countries, it was found that lack of vision and framework in implementin g digital learning lead to a failure of these digital learning projects (Kizito Bijan, 2006; Pal, 2006). Lack of both technical and social skills required for implementation contributes to the failure of some projects. If learners cannot use adaptive tools they might feel ashamed and this affects perception. When learners feel ashamed and guilt it is because they are sent in environment in which they are not entirely pleased. The feeling will influence their study situation, as well as the whole learning process and this result in negative feedback, which may reduce concentration and motivation (Ostlund, 2005). Digital Learning Models Horn Staker (2011) offers this summary of various digital learning models: Face-to-Face Driver This approach retains teachers to deliver most of their curricula in a traditional brick-and-mortar school setting. The teacher deploys online learning on a case-by-case basis to supplement or re-mediate, often in the back of the classroom or in a technology lab.   Rotation   The common feature the rotation model is that students rotate between learning online in a one-to-one, self-paced environment and in a traditional classroom. The face-to-face teacher usually oversees the online work.   Flex   Programs with a flex model feature an online platform that delivers most of the curricula. Teachers provide on-site support on a flexible, as-needed basis through in-person tutoring sessions and small group sessions. Many dropout-recovery and credit recovery blended programs fit into this model.   Online Lab The online lab model relies on an online platform to deliver the entire course, but in a brick-and-mortar lab environment. Usually these programs provide online teachers. Paraprofessionals supervise, but offer little content expertise. Often, students who participate in an online lab program also take traditional courses.   Self-Blend The most common version of blended learning is the self-blend model, where students choose to take one or more courses online to supplement their traditional schools catalog. The online learning is always remote, which distinguishes it from the online lab model, but the traditional learning is in a brick and mortar school. All supplemental online schools that offer a la carte courses to individual students facilitate self-blending.   Online Driver   The online driver model involves an online platform and teacher that deliver all curricula. Students work remotely for the most part, Face-to-face check-ins may   be included. Some of these programs offer brick-and-mortar components as well, such as extracurricular activities. THE NEED FOR DIGITAL LEARNING IN NIGERIA TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS The world is advancing at a rapid rate. Events have moved to the electronic stage with the computer at the centre. This development has brought a lot of innovation and revolution into teaching and learning. The 3Rs (reading, writing and arithmetic) which forms the nucleus of the old system of education has witnessed series of literacy reforms. The world is now in the age of information technology or computers age; hence, there is a need to keep abreast of time. One of the ways of achieving this is through the introduction of computer education in our institutions of learning (Ajibade, 2006).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Literary Analysis of Dr. Seuss Essay -- Dr. Seuss Books Literature chi

Literary Analysis of Dr. Seuss Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, is perhaps one of the most beloved children’s authors of the twentieth century. Although he is most famous as an author of children’s books, Geisel was also a political cartoonist, advertisement designer, and film director (Kaplan). He used the power of imagination to produce unforgettable children’s books and helped solve the problem of illiteracy among America’s children. By using his experiences in life as a foundation for most of his books, Theodor Geisel created a unique writing style that incorporated various elements and techniques, enabling his books to appeal to people of all ages.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The animated life of Theodor Geisel is evident in his literary masterpieces. He was born on March 2, 1904 in Springfield, Massachusetts to Theodor and Henrietta Geisel (Ford 14). Geisel grew up speaking German and English, and his fascination with quirky words began at an early age due to his family. For example, his sister, Margaretha, called herself Marnie Ding Ding Guy, and his first creation was the Wynnmph with ears three yards long (Kaplan). During his childhood, Geisel read widely and often - developing his voracious reading habit at an early age. By the time he was six years old, Ted was already reading Charles Dickens and Robert Louis Stevenson (Kaplan). However, college education never interested him. Labeled â€Å"Least Likely To Succeed† by his fellow classmates at Dartmouth University, Theodor often got in trouble for partying and was forced to resign from the school humor magazine. This gave birth to numerous pseudonyms of Geisel, such as L. B urbank, Thomas Mott Osbourne, Ted Seuss, Seuss, Dr. Seuss, and Theo LeSieg (Hurst). In his adult life, Theodor created various political cartoons for Judge, a humor magazine, and PM, a noted political magazine. The illustrations in these early cartoons foreshadow the quirky illustrations found in his children’s books (Kaplan). Geisel turned to writing children’s books when creating numerous ads for the popular insecticide, Flit, left him with little to do during the winter months (Hurst). By 1990, Dr. Seuss had written over forty books, two of which were Caldecott Honor books, and won two Academy Awards for his documentaries (Krull 39). Unfortunately, battling glaucoma and cataracts became too much for Theodor; he died on September... ...hors who got away with moralizing. The quirky illustrations and creative wordplay enable his readers to enjoy his books, while at the same time recognize morals (Hurst). Because of his innovative approach to writing books for children, Dr. Seuss has influenced American society immensely. The Oobleck he created in Bartholomew and Oobleck became the green, slimy gunk now seen on popular television networks, such as Nickelodeon (Ford 66). Furthermore, his publishing company, Beginner Books, produced a new series of children’s books called the Berenstein Bears, enabling children to enjoy more reading (Kaplan).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dr. Seuss revolutionized children’s literature and instilled in children the desire to read. According to literary critic Clifton Fadiman, â€Å"Theodor Geisel Seuss provided ingenious and uniquely witty solutions to the standing problem of illiteracy among children (qtd. in Kaplan).† Due to various influential figures and profound experiences during his lifetime, as well as expert use of creative literary techniques, Theodor Seuss Geisel’s children’s books continue to compel readers of all ages – allowing them to escape into different worlds filled with nonsense.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Monday, November 11, 2019

Abigail Adams – Short Essay

Former first lady, writer. Born Abigail Smith on November 22, 1744, (by the Gregorian calendar we use today) in Weymouth, Massachusetts. Abigail Adams is best known as the wife of President John Adams and for her extensive correspondence. She was also the mother of John Quincy Adams who became the sixth president of the United States. The daughter of a minister, she was a devoted reader, studying the works of William Shakespeare and John Milton among others. Adams did not, however, attend school, which was common for girls at the time. In 1761, she met a lawyer named John Adams.Three years later, the couple married and soon welcomed their first child, a daughter named Abigail, in 1765. Their family continued to grow with the addition of John Quincy in 1767, Susanna in 1768, Charles in 1770, and Thomas Boylston in 1772. Sadly, Susanna died as a toddler and later the family suffered another tragedy when Abigail delivered a stillborn daughter in 1777. With a busy law practice, her husba nd spent a lot of time away from home. This situation only worsened as John Adams became an active member of the American Revolution and the Revolutionary War.As a result, the couple spent a lot of time apart. She was also left to carry much of the burden at home, raising their children and caring for the family farm. The couple remained closed by corresponding with each other. It is believed that they exchanged more than 1,100 letters. Abigail Adams expressed concern about how the new government would treat women. In one of her many letters to her husband, she requested that he â€Å"Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favourable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands.Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could. If perticuliar care and attention is not paid to the Laidies we are determined to foment a Rebelion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation. † Odd s pellings aside, Abigail Adams often expressed her thoughts on political matters with her husband. Throughout his career, Abigail had served an unofficial advisor to him. Their letters show him seeking her counsel on many issues, including his presidential aspirations.Adams remained a supportive spouse and confidante after her husband became the president in 1797. Some critics objected to Abigail’s influence over her husband, calling her â€Å"Mrs. President. † The nation’s second first lady kept a busy schedule when she was in Philadelphia, the country’s capitol at the time. Adams rose early to tend to family and household matters and spent much of the remainder of the day receiving visitors and hosting events. She still spent a lot of time back in Massachusetts because of her health.Around the time her husband was defeated by Thomas Jefferson in the 1800 election, the Adams learned of the death of their second son Charles, which was related to his alcoho lism. With great sadness, the Adams soon moved to the country’s new capitol, Washington, D. C. , where they became the first residents of the White House. Abigail Adams wrote many letters to family around this time, shedding light on the early days of the new capital and complaining about the unfinished state of their new home.A few months later, after John Adams left office in 1801, they returned to their family farm. With John now retired, the couple was able to spend more time together. She continued to run the farm and to care for the family members, including their eldest child, Nabby (young Abigail’s nickname), who died of cancer at their home in 1814. Struggling with her own health for decades, Abigail Adams had a stroke in October 1818 and died at home with her family on October 28, 1818.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Tech That Ignited the Communication Revolution

The Tech That Ignited the Communication Revolution The 19th century saw a revolution in communications systems that brought the world closer together. Innovations like the telegraph allowed information to travel over vast distances in little or no time, while institutions such as the postal system made it easier than ever for people to conduct business and connect with others. Postal System People have been using delivery services to exchange correspondence and share information since at least 2400 B.C. when the ancient Egyptian pharaohs used couriers to spread royal decrees throughout their territory. Evidence indicates similar systems were used in ancient China and Mesopotamia as well.   The United States established its postal system in 1775 before independence had been declared. Benjamin Franklin was appointed the nations first postmaster general. The founding fathers believed so strongly in a postal system that they included provisions for one in the Constitution. Rates were established for the delivery of letters and newspapers based on delivery distance, and postal clerks would note the amount on the envelope. A schoolmaster from England, Rowland Hill, invented the adhesive postage stamp in 1837, an act for which he later was knighted.Hill also created the first uniform postage rates that were based on weight rather than size. Hills stamps made the prepayment of mail postage possible and practical. In 1840, Great Britain issued its first stamp, the Penny Black, featuring the image of Queen Victoria. The U.S. Postal Service issued its first stamp in 1847. Telegraph The electrical telegraph was invented in 1838 by a Samuel Morse, an educator and inventor who made a hobby of experimenting with electricity. Morse wasnt working in a vacuum; the principal of sending electrical current via wires over long distances had been perfected in the previous decade. But it took Morse, who developed a means of transmitting coded signals in the form of dots and dashes, to make the technology practical.   Morse patented his device in 1840, and three years later Congress granted him $30,000 to build the first telegraph line from Washington D.C. to Baltimore.  On May 24, 1844, Morse transmitted his famous message, What hath God wrought?, from the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., to the B O Railroad Depot in Baltimore. The growth of the telegraph system piggybacked on the expansion of the nations railway system, with lines often following rail routes and telegraph offices established at train stations large and small across the nation. The telegraph would remain the primary means of long-distance communication until the emergence of the radio and telephone in the early 20th century. Improved Newspaper Presses Newspapers as we know them have been printed regularly in the U.S. since the 1720s when James Franklin (Ben Franklins older brother) began publishing the New England Courant in Massachusetts. But early newspaper had to be printed in manual presses, a time-consuming process that made it difficult to produce more than a few hundred copies. The introduction of the steam-powered printing press in London in 1814 changed that, allowing publishers to print more than 1,000 newspapers per hour. In 1845, the American inventor Richard March Hoe introduced the rotary press, which could print up to 100,000 copies per hour. Coupled with other refinements in printing, the introduction of the telegraph, a sharp drop in the cost of newsprint, and an increase in literacy, newspapers could be found in nearly every town and city in the U.S. by the mid-1800s. Phonograph Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the phonograph, which could both record sound and play it back, in 1877. The device converted sound waves into vibrations that in turn were engraved on a metal (later wax) cylinder using a needle. Edison refined his invention and began marketing it to the public in 1888. But early phonographs were prohibitively expensive, and wax cylinders were both fragile and hard to mass produce. By the turn of the 20th century, the cost of photographs and cylinders had dropped considerably and they became more commonplace in American homes. The disc-shaped record we know today was introduced by Emile Berliner in Europe in 1889 and appeared in the U.S. in 1894. In 1925, the first industry standard for playing speeds was set at 78 revolutions per minute, and the record disc became the dominant format.   Photography The first photographs were produced by Frenchman Louis Daguerre in 1839, using silver-plated metal sheets treated with light-sensitive chemicals to produce an image. The images were incredibly detailed and durable, but the photochemical process was very complicated and time-consuming. By the time of the Civil War, the advent of portable cameras and new chemical processes allowed photographers like Matthew Brady to document the conflict and average Americans to experience the conflict for themselves. In 1883, George Eastman of Rochester, New York, had perfected a means of putting film on a roll, making the process of photography more portable and less expensive. The introduction of his Kodak No. 1 camera in 1888 put cameras in the hands of the masses. It came pre-loaded with film and when users had finished shooting, they sent the camera to Kodak, which processed their prints and sent the camera back, loaded with fresh film. Motion Pictures A number of people contributed innovations that led to the motion picture we know today. One of the first was the British-American photographer Eadweard Muybridge, who used an elaborate system of still cameras and trip wires to create a series of motion studies in the 1870s. George Eastmans innovative celluloid roll film in the 1880s was another crucial step, allowing large quantities of film to be packaged in compact containers.   Using Eastmans film,  Thomas Edison and William Dickinson had invented a means of projecting motion picture film called the Kinetoscope in 1891. But the Kinetoscope could only be viewed by one person at a time. The first motion pictures that could be projected and shown to groups of people were perfected by the French brothers Auguste and Louis Lumià ¨re. In 1895, the brothers demonstrated their Cinematographe with a series of 50-second films that documented everyday activities like workers leaving their factory in Lyon, France. By the 1900s, motion pictures had become a common form of entertainment in vaudeville halls throughout the U.S., and a new industry was born to mass-produce films as a means of entertainment. Sources Alterman, Eric. Out of Print. 31 March 2008.Cook, David A., and Sklar, Robert. History of the Motion Picture. 10 November 2017.Longley, Robert. About the U.S. Postal Service. 21 July 2017.McGillem, Clare. Telegraph. 7 December 2016.Potter, John, U.S. Postmaster General. The United States Postal Service An American History 1775 – 2006. 2006.History of the Cylinder Phonograph. Library of Congress. Accessed 8 March 2018.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Template How to Format a Romance Novel

Free Template How to Format a Romance Novel A new romance book template... that's made for you Earlier in the year, we sent out an April Fool's email suggesting that we were turning Reedsy into a dating service for lovelorn authors. From the kind replies we received, it became clear that more than a few of you have a soft spot for romance...If you're one of the 10% of Reedsians currently writing romance, we've prepared a little surprise: a belated Valentine's gift, you could call it.Typeset your love story for free, with our new romance export  template for the Reedsy Book Editor! I hope you'll enjoy this new EPUB and print-ready PDF template. The team and I really look forward to seeing the books you create with it. Why not launch the Reedsy Book Editor  and export your book to check it out!But what even is the Reedsy Book Editor? And how do I access it?Great question! The Reedsy Book Editor is a free, but  advanced book production tool. Import your manuscript then typeset it  to beautifully formatted print-ready PDF and EPUB files. Liberate your prose  from Word and give our typesetting tool a spin. Exporting your book with the romance book templateOnce you are happy with the formatting of your book, hit the  export button located in  the top right-hand corner of the Reedsy Book Editor. Then hit export! Simple, your files will be available to download within seconds.  You'll be on your way to the romance hall of fame in no time!To learn more about the Reedsy Book Editor check out our post on how to format  your book.  Ã‚  Alternatively, if you can stand the sound of my voice check out this short video:

Monday, November 4, 2019

Distribution center, warehouse, and plant location Essay

Distribution center, warehouse, and plant location - Essay Example In order to know the number of people and their characteristics, census needs to be conducted in such areas. Although the information collected may vary, it still helps the distribution planners to know how to distribute their goods depending on the population size. Most organizations look at a number of characteristics that may affect labor. These factors may be appreciably related; for instance, the amount of the workforce may be directly comparative to wage rates. Transportation availability is an important aspect in facility location decisions. It may also influence the space cost and the availability of labor. Transport availability mostly depends on the kind of products that need to be transported. If the products are bulky, then a lorry can be used, but in case of light products a pickup can be used (Zvi and Hamacher 58). Facility relocation is when a plant is closed from an area where there is low demand to an area where the demand is high while facility closing is when a plant is closed permanently. The companies should form laws on how the employees should be paid if a plant is closed. In case of facility relocation, the wage rates should increase because the demand has also

Friday, November 1, 2019

Business data analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business data analysis - Essay Example They try to elaborate the rate at which the stock values are found to be varying over time. Seasonal variations Seasonal variations have very important implications for the policies which define the functioning of a company. Rise and fall in stock prices often classify the boom and recessive periods of a company respectively. When stock prices rise, the companies generally are found to increase their employee wages and hire more employees as the production rises. They are generally predicted through figuring out the differences between the predicted trend line and the actual observations, for each individual period. Averaging over the differences throughout an entire year leads to the calculation of seasonal variations for each month in any year (Hargreaves, 1994, p. 154). Stock prices for Deutsche Bank are estimated to be reaching a peak during the fourth month of every year while it faces a recession during the tenth month of every year. Hence, the company might be regarded to be u ndergoing a period of boom during the second quarter of every year and a depression during the fourth quarter. However, when these seasonal variation statistics are compared with the actual monthly differences in the trend calculations and actual observations, the readings were found to be much different. The following graph depicts the comparative readings of differences between actual and trend observations. ... On the other hand, recession is actually experienced during the beginning of second quarter as against the seasonal variations calculated. However, it is not repeated for each and every year, as is found for the year 2002. In the year 2002, the actual seasonal variations are found to be coinciding with the calculated ones even though the readings do not match each other. The only factor which seems to correspond with each other is the direction of trend. If actual stock price values are being counted for, as the diagram alongside depicts, it would show that the correspondence between actual trend and estimated one is rarely found for the span of 10 years. In fact, the diagram suggests the absence of any hard-core seasonal fluctuation as such. The actual detrended line indicates the period between 2002 and 2004 as well as that between 2009 and 2010 to be under recession while that between 2006 and 2008 to be a period of boom. On the other hand, seasonal variation statistics show that regular cycle of booms and recessions are found to characterise every year. However, a point to be taken a note of in this regard is that even when the company, i.e., Deutsche Bank undergoes a whole period of boom or recession as such, there exists small fluctuations during the same. Hence, predictions about seasonal variations are likely to match during some years. Even when a company is experiencing a period of boom or recession, there could be ups and downs in business which symbolise seasonal variations, which actually is a short run phenomenon. However, there might also be another reason behind the lack of compatibility between the estimated trends and the actual adjusted closing price of the stocks of Deutsche Bank. As the diagram produced