Saturday, June 1, 2019

A Lady in a Machine-Shop Essay -- Susan Bivin Aller

In A Lady in a Machine-Shop, Susan Bivin Aller uses creativity, determination, and confidence to demonstrate how they led Margaret entitle to succession as an inventor. Knight and her family moved to Manchester, New Hampshire when she was at a young age. At the age of twelve, Knight witnessed a mill worker wound by a steel-tipped shuttle. This motivated her to create a safety mechanism, her first invention, to prevent any further injuries in cotton mills.Knights mind was built with creativeness and that helped her succeed. As Knight grew up with her brothers, she invented sleds, kites, and other playthings that?were the envy of all the boys in town. Knight often had a smile on her face when making unexampled items for her brothers. She enjoyed inventing and helping others in need. Because she didnt play with dolls, like other girls did, Knights mind developed independently and creatively. She was the type of person that had her own thoughts and feelings. When Knight worked at the Columbia reputation Bag Company, she wanted to improve how the machines made the bags. The bags were si...

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