Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Technology Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Technology Management - Research Paper ExampleThis research will rise to show that the technological changes in modern era cannot always help the corporation to increase the business productiveness. Technological Changes Cannot Always Help It is true(a) that the productivity in several non-white comprehend jobs has significantly increased due to the implementation of advanced technology. On the other hand, productivity in several white collar jobs has not grown at the same rate. It can be stated that implementation of advanced technology does not have that as much positive impact on manufacturing as it is identified in office jobs. It is quite difficult to measuring stick productivity in white collar jobs. Poor feel and inadequate measurement adjoin and implementation of high automation can affect the productivity of an organisation. This part of the research will investigate all the aspects done the implementation of appropriate theories and approaches. Lack of Integration a nd Knowledge Organisations generally implement a computerised accounting system within the organisation in order to swerve and control the operational time and cost. It is not true that all the time this automation process can reduce time and cost. Lack of knowledge well-nigh advanced technology and functions can take more operating time. ... There are several people outside of the branches or the departments who cannot avail this facility. However, it is important to compound all the branches and departments all together before implementing the advanced technology in business process. Otherwise, it can reduce the productivity of the organisation. Unmeasured Productivity and Unnoticed Problems It is true that some organisations implement advanced technology and automation process in business practices without thinking about the future consequences. It is very much difficult to measure productivity after the implementation of advanced technology. Inadequate review of technological tools can affect the productivity of the organisation. Inadequate Initial Decision Making mathematical operation In certain governmental firms, the purchase of software and equipment is not undertaken with supreme diligence. It is true that several officials do not know how to increase the productivity and energy of business process through the implementation of advanced technology. It is very much critical to make a decision about the implementation of advanced technology (Grembergen, 2001). Application of advanced technology automation in business process may not increase the productivity of a firm. First of all, it is important for the attention of the organisation to conduct comprehensive and real analysis to make effective decisions. It will be very much difficult for the organisation if they implement process of justifying and deciding the wrong way round. The organisation needs to improve the decision making process based on the notion. It can provide effective root to the problems. Implementation of Technology without effective

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