Saturday, August 10, 2019

Reflection about Management and Organizational Behavior Term Paper

Reflection about Management and Organizational Behavior - Term Paper Example However, effective leadership also depends upon how leaders mend their approaches to suit the characteristics of their followers. Drawing different leadership-related teachings from literature, the most applicable leadership to the situation at Buddy Delight will be identified and evaluated for its effectiveness and applicability. Buddy Delight, a fast food restaurant at the far end of the high street market in Brookshire, Colorado had to close its 5-year old business shortly after the sudden demise of its previous owner. Just before his death, the owner had expanded Buddy Delight to two more floors of the building; and had hired few employees. The owner’s son took over the business after his father’s demise, and brought about many changes, one of which included appointing a new manager in the restaurant section. During earlier years, all business related activities were managed by the owner, the sole manager of the restaurant. However, increasing number of customers and business resulted in high workload as a result of which the new owner decided to bring in more people to manage the business. New employees were hired again at various positions including managerial and reception, operations and for customer service activities. Dissatisfaction, frustration and low performance surfaced in the ope rations team within few weeks after they welcomed their new manager along with two new chefs in their team. The new manager was highly qualified management graduate and possessed years of managerial experience in the marketing division. He had the ability to command and get the tasks accomplished. The manager was young, energetic and highly innovative, which could have been the reasons that had pleased the owner’s son to hire the manager. This team comprised of 12 employees including 4 chefs and eight waiters that were responsible for working in the main restaurant section that was directly involved in preparing food items as per

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