Thursday, August 8, 2019

Team Effectiveness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Team Effectiveness - Essay Example Poorly managed teams on the other hand will always end in irreconcilable failure. Effectiveness of any given team depends on the leadership, roles assigned and the basis of its formation. It is always imperative for team members to understand all the defining factors and forces set to drive the given team. Effective teams always depict certain unique characteristics that are different from failing or ineffective teams. One of the common and basic characteristics of any effective team relies on the listening skills and levels of understanding of all individual members within the team. Most successful teams comprise of members with good if not excellent listening skills (Felthan 2012). Good listening skills enable members of a given team to understand issues very quickly and seek clarification where necessary. Good listening skills empowers individual members of a team to contribute to discussions and present constructive questions targeted at enhancing the level of performance of the given team. Unlike team comprised of members with poor listening skills, teams with members of good listening skills will be able to reach to quick deliberations and save time as members have the capability to paraphrase and summarize concepts. However, fundamental inter-member understanding maybe to a team, disagreements and disputes are healthy for any growth oriented team (Yarbrough 2009, p.27). Not all members in a given team will feel satisfied with every presentation, proposal of discussion of the team. Such dissatisfactions have the potential of creating room for clarification and exemplification for every individual to understand the grounds and factors behind certain proposal or presentation. Members require tolerance to each other and show no signs of withdrawal from any fierce discussion triggered by misunderstanding by any given member. For a team to be effective and operate smoothly there has to be clear demarcation of roles and statement of duties and

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