Saturday, August 24, 2019

Writing Consultation Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writing Consultation Assignment - Essay Example Because there are many ways to approach this topic, I had not completed an outline, and Jonny functioned as a sounding board off, of which to bounce my ideas for the paper as well as pointing me in the right direction to get more research about my topic (Bjork, 2003). The session was effective in unveiling to me possible points that could be included. There is a variety of bats on the market and one of my objectives for the session was to determine how this topic could be covered in a short, four-page paper. I was convinced on his well-versed knowledge on writing such research papers and more importantly his attention to details on how the paper should look like. This reshaped my perspective on the approach all together. This got me assured of a qualitative discussion once I embark on the actual writing. In the learning center, Jonny asked about my curiosity about the topic and what kinds of criteria would the best baseball bat have. I had not given much thought to the topic and I re alized that when it comes to choosing a baseball bat, so many things have to be in place. Jonny and I discussed those factors that ought to influence one’s choice. For instance, what material to choose, what size, what weight were some of the guiding question samples for my learning and consultation.

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