Friday, May 31, 2019

Anorexia Nervosa: An issue of control Essay -- Eating Disorders Health

Anorexia Nervosa An issue of control As medicine has progressed through the years, so have the avenues for diagnosing the various causes of many disorders. lately there have been new discoveries about the disorder anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is a life-threatening eating disorder defined by a refusal to maintain body angle within 15 portion of an individuals minimal normal weight. (2) Other essential features of this disorder include an intense fear of gaining weight, a distorted body image, and amenorrhea (absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles when otherwise expected to occur) in women. (1) Theories about the causes of anorexia nervosa include the psychological, biological, and environmental. This paper will discuss the question of the multiplex origins of anorexia nervosa, and attempt to identify a common underlying cause. Conservative estimates suggest that one-half to one percent of females in the U.S. develop anorexia. Because more than 90 perc ent of all those who are affected are adolescent and early days women, the disorder evoke be characterized primarily as a womens illness. It should be noted, however, that children as young as 7 have been diagnosed, and women 50, 60, 70, and even 80 fit the diagnosis. (5) Like all eating disorders, it tends to occur in pre or post puberty, but can develop at any life change. One reason younger women are particularly vulnerable to eating disorders is their tendency to go on hard diets to achieve an ideal figure. This obsessive dieting behavior reflects a great deal of todays societal pressure to be thin, which is seen in advertising and the media. Others especially at risk for eating disorders include athletes, actors, and models for whom thinne... ...he links between mental illness and depression. It addresses a very wide variety of issues.http// name/9/1663_51209.htm?7)Genetics and eat Disorders, this site looks at the link between genetics and eating diso rders. It also looks at the different medical studies that have been conducted on the topic. http// radical/404?ourl=404http// the Teen Scene, this site looks at the effect of anorexia nervosa on teenagers. It looks at questions as to why it affect that one age group so hard, and its ramifications. http//

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Impact of the Ratification of the 13th Amendment on Commerce Essay

Background Information on the Thirteenth AmendmentThe thirteenth amendment to the United States constitution was introduced in order to free the slaves from slavery and make united states a free country by abolishing and prohibiting slavery. This amendment finalized the abolishment of slave trade in the United States. The 13th amendment has its origin in the proposition made by Abraham Lincoln to his cabinet in relation to the freeing of all slaves in the rebellious states. It was proposed by the thirty-eighth congress of the United States and passed by the senate on 8th April 1864 before being adopted on the 6th of December in 1865 following the announcement of the writing table of state who declared it to have been adopted. President Lincoln made an emancipation proclamation which was aimed at outlawing slavery in the ten confederation states which resulted in the abolition of slavery in the confederate states. However slave trade continued on the Border States until the thirteent h amendment was formulated. This amendment ended slavery in all move of the United States including the Border States. Section 1 of this amendment provides that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist within the United States except in conditions where the individual was being punish because of crimes committed. The ratification of this amendment was completed on 6th December 1865 following the approval by most of the states (Goluboff 1609). The ratification of the 13th amendment had a significant impact on commerce since slaves were the main source of labor in most industries, factories and agricultural plantations. After this ratification, slaves were released from plantations and factories which forced more white men to work in plantations and fa... ...y or other heavy equipments. There was a significant decline in exports in these states which was followed by the collapse of their currency and this made it difficult for these states to obtain course credit (Enge rman 208).Significant reduction in agricultural production across the state resulted in scarcity of agricultural commodities which in turn increased the prices of agricultural products as considerably as export surpluses. ReferencesGoluboff, R. (2001). The 13th amendment and the lost origins of civil rights. Duke Law Journal, 50 (228) 1609Engerman, S.L. (1982). Economic adjustments to emancipation in the United States and British West Indies. The Journal of interdisciplinary History, 13(2) 191 220 McGlynn, F., and Drescher, S. (1992). The meaning of freedom economics, politics and culture after slavery. Pittsburgh, Pa University of Pittsburgh Press.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Rosa Luxemburg :: essays research papers

genus Rosa capital of LuxembourgRosa Luxemburg was one of the finest political theorists of the 20th century. Rosa Luxemburg was a German socialist leader and revolutionary. She was prominent in the international socialist movements in the early years of the 20th century. She believed that only socialism could bring true liberty and social justice. At the age of five she became seriously ill. After recovering she walked with a limp and later sciatic pain caused her much trouble. Rosa Luxemburg founded the German Communist party. Rosa was born into prosperous Jewish family in Russian Poland.Until recently, little was known of Rosa Luxemburgs personal history. She guarded her private liveliness assiduously. Newly discovered information has revealed her unique family environment that can be directly attributed to her accomplishments as an adult. Her family relationship was close and always supportive. She was born on meet 5, 1871 in Zamosc, Poland which was part of Russia then. She was educated in Warsaw, where she became active in political societies. In 1889 she went to Poland to avoid being arrested for her activities and settled in Switzerland. She studied natural lore and political economy at the University of Zurich. While there she wrote a doctoral dissertation entitled The Industrial Development of Poland in 1898. In 1898 she migrated to Germany, acquiring citizenship by marriage to a German worker and became part of the German Social Democratic party (SPD). It was leading organization of international socialism. During the Russian Revolution of 1905 Rosa went to Warsaw to participate in the struggle and was imprisoned. After her release she taught in the SPD school in Berlin during 1907-1914 and wrote The Accumulation of Capital in 1913.At the outbreak of public War I, she and the German socialist Karl Liebknecht formed a revolutionary faction within the SPD that became known as the Spartacists.

La Rotonda Essay -- Architecture Construction Essays

La RotondaOne of the great architects in time was Andrea Palladio, who was made famous for his magnificent Villas built in Italy in the fifteen hundreds. To do so he drew from the Greek and Romans architecture, studying many of their finest works, to create his masterful villas. This process would develop into a style of architecture, which became cognise as Palladianism. This style has inspired buildings which have dominated the landscape for the last four hundred years. These buildings include English castles, American public buildings, Swiss rail line stations, Spanish libraries, Tuscan villas and Canadian hotels. Many of these buildings are considered to be the great buildings of the world. Andrea Palladio was born in 1508A.D. in Italy. At a very young geezerhood he became a stone mason, however his journey into architecture began when he met Gian Giorgio Trissino who immediately saw ability in him and decided to mentor Palladio. Trissino combined a study of classical archi tecture with architecture of the time, all the while allowing Palladio room to develop a style of his own. In time Palladio was constructing villas through out the rustic side of Italy, in all he constructed 30 villas, 18 of which are still standing today. Perhaps Palladios most famous work was the Villa Rotondra or La Rotondra which was started around 1565 and took approximately 4 years to build and was greatly inspired by the Pantheon in Rome. It is interesting to note that la Rotondra is different from Palladios other villas in a number of ways, and it is evident that these differences help distinguish it from the rest. The main differences between Palladios Rotondra and his other work are, The Rotonda is set on a hilltop, it is located near a... see why many regard Andrea Palladio as one of the most influential architects of all time, he was able to create whatsoever of the most stunning, graceful, and awe-inspiring villas in the world. Unfortunately, Palladio died befo re his masterpiece, La Rotonda, was complete. The project was completed by his protg Vincenzo Scamozzi.Work Cited1.)http//, Wednesday September, 282.)Mathew McCann Feton, Time Great Buildings of the World 2004, in the buff York, NY.3.)http//, Wednesday September, 284.)http//, Wednesday September, 305.)http//, Wednesday September, 286.)http//, Wednesday September, 28

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Violent Video Games and Aggression in Children Essay -- Argumentative,

Over the past 30 years, playing video plot of grounds has become unmatched of the most popular hobbies worldwide. Not only has the video game industry become a multi-billion dollar industry, but it has attracted people from all age types. While video games today are played by both kids and adults, there are many swerves being raised regarding the effects of video games. More particular, is the effect that violent video games may be having on children. somewhat critics argue that video games are direct indicators of child aggression while video game supporters argue that there is no direct link in the midst of child aggression and violent video games. While many people hold back their own personal stances, this issue is unique because it is unfolding everyday. Scientists and researchers all oer the world are continuously doing research regarding the effects of video games on children. Even though this remains a field of uncertainty for researchers, parents should definitely be involved in being aware of what it is that theyre children are playing when they play video games. While many different case studies have been through with(p) all over the world, scientists have yet to prove that there is a direct correlation between violent video games and child aggression. Since the start of this quarter, this has been an issue that I have been doing extensive research on. Despite looking into several scholarly sources, I was surprised to see that many of my findings were pretty consistent with one another. For the mort part, what I found through my research was a bunch of statistics from case studies and the interpretation of those statistics from renowned scientists. In many cases, statistics and studies showed slight indications that violent video games have an effect on c... ...Lincoln. , Retrieved from http//, G. (2012, April 03). Violent video games are fueling rise in aggressiv e behavior. The Telegraph. Retrieved from http// fuelling-rise-in-aggressive-behaviour.htmlKravets, D. (2011, June 27). States may not throw away sale, rental of violent video games to minors. Retrieved from http//, W. (2009, December 13). Abstract realism in video games and aggression. Retrieved from http//, R. (2009, February 11). Can a video game pack to murder?. Retrieved from http//

Violent Video Games and Aggression in Children Essay -- Argumentative,

Over the past 30 years, playing telly games has become one of the most popular hobbies worldwide. not only has the video game industry become a multi-billion dollar industry, but it has attracted people from all age types. While video games today argon played by both kids and adults, there are many another(prenominal) issues being raised regarding the effects of video games. More particular, is the effect that violent video games may be having on children. Some critics argue that video games are direct indicators of child aggression while video game supporters argue that there is no direct link between child aggression and violent video games. While many people have their own personal stances, this issue is unmatched because it is unfolding everyday. Scientists and researchers all over the world are continuously doing research regarding the effects of video games on children. Even though this remains a topic of uncertainty for researchers, parents should definitely be involved in being aware of what it is that theyre children are playing when they play video games. While many disparate case studies have been done all over the world, scientists have yet to prove that there is a direct correlation between violent video games and child aggression. Since the start of this quarter, this has been an issue that I have been doing extensive research on. Despite looking into several scholarly sources, I was surprised to see that many of my findings were pretty consistent with one another. For the mort part, what I found through my research was a bunch of statistics from case studies and the interpretation of those statistics from renowned scientists. In many cases, statistics and studies showed fragile indications that violent video games have an effect on c... ...Lincoln. , Retrieved from http//, G. (2012, April 03). Violent video games are fueling rise in aggressive behavior. The Te legraph. Retrieved from http// commandment/educationnews/9183385/Violent-video-games-are- fuelling-rise-in-aggressive-behaviour.htmlKravets, D. (2011, June 27). States may not ban sale, rental of violent video games to minors. Retrieved from http//, W. (2009, December 13). Abstract realism in video games and aggression. Retrieved from http//, R. (2009, February 11). Can a video game lead to murder?. Retrieved from http//

Monday, May 27, 2019

Community Service Essay

Before actually partaking in community service, I always thought of it as a means of all overwork students for the employers to save money, but after actually getting myself involved in itI realised that doing community service is actually a privilege for us the volunteers. It gives us an opportunity to gain experience, widen our skills and get a better understanding of the hard labour and it is a process that essentially goes into the outcome of a product or service. Community service has literally do me realized how little I contribute to my unsophisticated, how little I k straightaway about my country and has brought to my attention and conscience that I should try my best to assist morefree of wagein the continuous growth of my economy. Doing my service at St. lift Nursery, has opened my eyes to the non so easy process of growing flowers, plants and trees for example how important flowrs are and what a big difference the right fertilisers manageand likewise the different types of fertilizers and their functions . Before I never really understood the beauty of them nor did I realize how much work went into nurturing and harvesting them, but now I am more aware and more concerned about the health of trees and how they are treated and crimson situated in a toilette or the ground.On my first day at St. Rose Nursery, I was given a tour of the compound and while getting the tour, I could not help but feel relaxed and free. The ambience of the nursery changed my mood and thought completely it had me wondering why do we stress out ourselves? Also it made me realize that I should take time to get in touch with nature and myself. After being introduced to the employees, I felt intimidated because I was the provided female surrounded by five males so I saw that as a challenge in terms of them underestimating me and my abilities but after public lecture to them for a little I felt right at home and was able to be myself and even challenge myself by skill to pot plants, fertilize them and water them all in one day. They were all so helpful and very explanatory and took the time to show me exactly what to do before I did it, at the end of the day I excelled andaccomplished far more than they expected the healthy energy at the nursery led me to spend perennial hours there than I actually expected to spend per day.Throughout my time at St. Rose nursery, I would like to believe that I have brought a youthful and eager emotion to the compound despite the fact that we worked in separate areas. I believe that I have shown them that a woman freighter be productive in the nursery field and can also keep up with their speed and even surpass them I stared of potting only 1 plant per 2 minutes and by the end of the day, I was able to plant 2 plants per minuteit was fun and we turned it into a gameI observed the workers fertilizing the plants and heard the headman tell him that he was applying too much so I made an attempt to fertilize the nex t batch of plants and was told that I had done a good job Not too much and not too little I felt pleased and proud of myselfI had done better than someone who had much more experience in that field than me.It is funny how one can assume that plant nurturing to be a simple and senseless skill, well I learned the hard yet interesting way that it is far from simple and a lot of thought and precision goes into the whole process, from the pot the plant goes into, the climate & atmosphere and type of soil that it is planted in. I have learned from this experience that it is possible to push myself a bit further when trying to accomplish a certain task in a given amount of time, I have learned that I am far more patient than I thought and most importantly I have learned that I personally stress myself over minor issues instead of taking time to breathe, relax and regain a solution for it through this I have come to the conclusion that I should find more time to clear my mind and possibly do something that I find interesting, productive and selfless to release my stresses of life. I have learned that even though I am an introvert, working with people is not that bad after all it just takes getting used to them and knowing how to work to match all their different personalities. I also learned that working with other people really helps to get more work done faster.I candidly can give voice that I enjoyed the interaction with people who were not of my norm I enjoyed the whole learning about new trees and their fruits,smells, blooming and reproduction time. I enjoyed planting and reposting plants and most importantly I enjoyed the view of the surroundings. This endeavour was a challenging one in terms of patience and precision but in the end it all paid off, because I was blessed with the opportunity to enhance my gardening skills and was given the opportunity to be social with people who I would normally be afraid to talk to or even be around.Before transposing mys elf into the real life community service equation, I thought to myself and made an fellow to myself that my main aim was to simple complete my thirty hours of community service as fast and as soon as possible, but after beginning and observing the nursery, I realized that it would provide me with far more knowledge and far more fun and experience than I expected and I realized that it would be in my best interest to use it to my advantage to gain a greater skill.I believe that service to others is important because it is a good way to give back to the community and also to increase ones level of experience and variation. I believe in my distant in store(predicate) I would once again volunteer my time to another estate to expand my comprehension and also to help remediate my community and help improve myself as a person. The people at the St. Rose Nursery are very hospital and down to earth, to the point where I can honestly say that there is nothing I would change about their ma nnerism.To potential volunteers, I would like to advice them to go into the experience open minded and willing to learn. I would also suggest that they find something that is within their comfort zone or something at that they at least have a strong interest in learning or have a passion for, simply because if one does something that they do not like or will not like, then they will not enjoy the experience to the fullest and similarly if one does something that seemed interesting to them before they actually partook in it, then they would draw from that experience that it is simply not something they would like to do in the future and would have learned a valuable lesson.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Republic of Slovakia an economic overview

Ukraine, in the north by Poland and the Czech Republic, in the southerly by Hungary and in the west by Austria. Slovakia has the reform the advantage of a strategic position between the border of the EX. and the former Soviet Union descent SARIS (2012) According to Trading Economics (2014)9, the important trade partners of Slovakia are Euro members, Germany, Czech Republic, France, Poland, Russia and Hungary. However, even as member of European Union, Slovakia remain very interested in active relations with east neigh boors.Indeed, according to a research led by Alexander Du Elba (2009)10, Slovakia s favorable to an active partnership with the Eastern countries, especially Russ Asia. Indeed, in the text, we learn that excepted for Russia and Ukraine, all other Eastern neighbors s 0 far do not play an important role in Slovakia foreign policies and/or are not yet being considered by Slovakia political establishment as weighty actors in terms of their relevancy for the project of national interests of Slovakia within the post-Soviet Eastern Europe.This is particularly relevant for Ukraine, since Ukrainian approach to the EX. that might result in the signing of the Association Agreement, including a incomprehensible and comprehensive free-trade agreement, is expected to boost the economical development of Eastern Slovakia and contribute to the lowering of regional did asperities in Slovakia. More about those regional disparities will be said further in this chapter. Mr.. Dulled concludes by saying that the extension of the EX. zone to the East I s a great opportunity for Slovakia, which may become a turntable between the East and the West Of EX..Indeed, The 9 TRADING ECONOMICS, in http//BMW. Tragicomedies. Com/Slovakia/ balance-of-trade consulted 04. 25. 2014 DULLED A. (2009), Slovakian policy towards Russia and Eastern neighbors, 10 precession of Slovakia diplomacy should be the promotion of the membership of I TTS eastern partners in WTFO which is the p recondition for further liberalizing of foreign trade with t he EX.. Regional economic disparities As we will see, automotive occupies an important place among the regions strategic industries beside representing 17% of total GAP.Currently are operating the Volkswagen plants in Deviants Novas Eves (northern capital of Brazil), in Martin (major city, south-east of Salina), an in Choices the AS Peugeot-Citroen plant in Tirana (50 km from Brasilia) and the Aka plant in Salina (Slovakia Northwest). Source Rheostat On one hand, we have the wealthiest regions (darker blue) the regions of Brasilia and Tirana concentrate the biggest car manufactures in the country and they border Austria and the Czech Republic, two countries that also produce lots of cars or car parts, thus create Eng a synergy with the western and north-western regions of Slovakia.Surprisingly enough, the region n of Salina is not much wealthier than the southern ones, although it hosts two car manufactures on big in Sal ina (Aka), and one smaller in Martin (Volkswagen). On the other hand, there is Proves that shares borders with Ukraine and treetop ND, two countries that still are a little behind compared to Slovakia. Plus it mainly hosts agricultural a activities and, in a slighter extent, food-processing and textile industries 1. Those types of industries do not usually greatly encourage development.However, we should look at these figures differently its not almost all region s that are behind its Brasilia thats far ahead. Indeed, Brasilia always received the greatest part of foreign direct investments, then name Salina and the third position is more or less a tie between Tirana and 11 SARIS, The proves Region (201 2, PA) Trending. But, as we can observe hereunder, the share of FED that the other regions race vied still is negligible they seldom received more than 15%.One of the reason behind that is that the Brasilia region concentrates Salvo skis most populated municipalities. Indeed, only 0 . 76% of all the municipalities (there are 3 334 in t total) have more than 10 000 inhabitants 2. It is thus understandable that industries development I not homogeneous and is concentrated around main cities. Undersecretaries The main natural resources of Slovakia are brown coal and lignite with small q annuities of iron ore, copper and manganese ore as well.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Qantas strategies Analysis Essay

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe decl be has discussesd and appliesd theoretical concepts and principles of strategic circumspection into analyzing the environment context where to Qantas Airways Limited operates. It shows that, Qantas has a long history and sustainable exploitation but needs to evolve in the external world. ization context, the company has to continue to fragmentiseicipate in international activities to grab development opportunities. Besides that, the change magnitude warlike withal take exceptions the potbelly. In order to be undefeated and take warlike advantages, strategy is the key division for every enterprise including Qantas. By researching and applying strategy digest theoretical into Qantas case study, its current strategies be outlined and reviewed and some others are suggested. It approves the roles of strategies in create competitive advantages through represent leaders, differentiationand focusing.1.0. INTRODUCTION1.1 primer coatIn the globalized and integrated world economy, enterprises have spread their operations into other countries and become multinational corporations. Qantas Airways Limited is the Australias oldest and largest airline as well as takes part in international activities very early since 1935. The international operations create for the convention a great opportunity to expand and grow but also challenge Qantas Airways with inherent risks and tinges in international market. In order to sustainably develop and remain the largest airways non only in Australia but also in the world, the concourse should use strategies to create comparative advantaged.1.2 Aims To break the companys information To analyse the internal and external context where the corporation operating To analyse the resources and capacities of Qantas Airways Limited To analyse and discuss strategies the corporation using and recommendation to improve them.ScopeData and information are mainly collected from CQU online module, selecti ve informationbases, academic articles, the corporations website and text carrys. The report is based on the operations of Qantas Airways in cinque recently years and focus on two recent years.2.0. INTERNAL ANALYSIS2.1. Qantas Airways LimitedQantas is Australias largest airline and the guerrilla oldest airline in the world carrying billions passengers in more than 20 countries much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as Australia, Asia, North and South America, New Zealand, Africa and Europe. Qantas Group is wholeness of the strongest markings in Australia. The Groups main operation is the transportation of customers in two complementary airline brands Qantas and Jetstar (low be carrier). The Groups broad portfolio of appurtenant businesses ranges from Qantas Freight Enterprises to Qantas Frequent Flyer. Qantas has strong network all over the world. Founding member of o wiseorld alliance, until now Qantas has 27 bilateral checkmates extending the network and offer passenger s a global network. In 2012, Qantas carries a 44.6% conducts of the Australian interior(prenominal) market and 18% of all passengers leadling in and out of Australia while the respective market segments for Jetstar are 20,7% and 8%. The chart below compares the top 10 international airlines.Figure 1 Top 10 international airlines in Australia(Source ANNA- Airlines Network News and Analysis, 2010)2.2. Resources and capabilities Tangible resources Establisheding in 1920, Qantas Group has grown gradually and remain one of the largest and strongest in Australian airways industry. During the last 5 recently years, Qantas has steadily expanded its operations by increasing number of aircrafts, passengers, employees and destinations all over the world. Its development send away be demonstrated as data belowFigure 2 Qantass resources from 2008-2012(Adopted from Qantas data book 2012, see Appendix)Qantass total asset increased from $19.7 billion in 2008 to $21.1 billion in 2012. More than half of its assets are from property, plant and equipment which book time value at $14.13m at the end of FY2012. Intangible assets values at $610,000. At the end of FY2012, the corporation had a cash balance of $3.4 billion, and 308 aircrafts from triplet main suppliers Airbus, Boeing and Bombardiers. The Group has 12 Airbus A380, 30 Airbus A330, 60 Boeing B737, 36 Boeing B747 and 46 Bombardiers. Intangible resourcesQantas has a strong temper for long history with a huge number of customers, large segment in the Australian market. Qantas is the worlds second oldest airline and since its inception, Qantas has remained one of the largest and strongest brands in Australia. Qantas Frequent Flyer has grown steadily growth, more than 750,000 new members joining the frequent program during 2012. And increase the total member to 8.6 meg. (Qantas data book 2012). Many Australians regard Qantas Airways Limited as a national icon and pride of Australia. Another nonphysical resource o f Qantas is its networks with large corporations. Qantas started the Oneworld Alliance with Ameri stool Airlines, British Airways, Canadian Airlines and Cathay Pacific in 1998, and with Finnair and Iberia one year later. Oneworld is an scheme among airlines to grant departure lounges, frequent flyer poses and joint booking of flights for travellers to go wherever they want. (Dallas, H 2010). Qantas frequent Flyer has partnerships with many large corporations in and immaterial Australia, such as Optus, Woolworths, Caltex, Safaris, etc.2.3. Performance analysisAccording to Mail Business rung 2012, Qantas Airways reported $204 million yearly loss in FY2012, the first gear loss since 17 year period. It was impactedfrom the increasing fuel costs, intense ambition, industrial disputes and its struggling international division and a series of strikes that temporarily grounded its fleet. By analyzing data from the corporations annual report, profitability index can be calculated as shown bellowedFigure 3 Qantas Airways ratio analysis(Adopted from Qantas data book 2012)As can be seen, the Qantas performs ineffectively in recently. Its turnover, profit and ROA, ROE have reduced considerably particularly a loss of $244 million in 2012. However, the group still has strong financial capability. Its debt/equity ratio slightly increased but can be acceptable and its create supplement to encourage managers improve the corporations performance. Qantas has quick ratio around 0.5, that help Group has ability to pay current debt. Besides that, the current ratios were less(prenominal) than 1 and continuously decreased. It faces the Group to risk of liquidity that means Qantas may not have enough resources to pay its debts over the next 12 months in case of liquidity. According to Grant, 2013 the goal of a degraded is value maximization that means maximizing the look atholders wealth. It was measures via the shares terms and profitability. The corporation recorded an change state in shares impairment and market capitalization from 2009 to 2012 after a bounce in 2008 to reach the highest price of $6.0 per share. The earnings per share dropped significantly and in 2012 and the shareholders received no dividend due to the loss of $244m. The changing in Qantass share price is illustrated as belowFigure 4 Qantas dower price from 2008-2012(Source Qantas data book 2012, p.33)Researches show that, loss is result of high fuel price and changing in unusual currency exchanges as sound as competition with other low cost airlines in international activities (OSullivan, M 2012). The researchers require Qantas implement strategies to hedge fuel cost and manage foreign exchange risks to increase its competitive advantages. 2.3. Genertic strategy and connection to the internal value chain Qantas Airways aim at maintaining its position as the leading Australian domestic carrier and one of the worlds premier sustainable long-haul airlines through two dualai rline brands, Qantas and Jetstar that endeavour at two different strategies. magic spell Jetstar focus on low cost Airline, Qantas aims to provide safety, highest quality go and more Ausiee airline. It seek to deliver sustainable, long term returns to the shareholders. The Qantas Group strategic priorities are illustrated below.Figure 5 Qantas strategic priorities(Source Qantas data book 2012, p.5)Qantass strategies have connection to the firms internal value chain. According to Grant 2013, a value chain analysis describes a sequential chain of the main activities that the firm undertakes. Michael Porters Value Chain has been used as a tool to analyse competitive advantages. It is divided to two parts, primary activities and support activities. First of all, primary activities include five main activities which are Inbound logistics, Operations, outward logistics, Marketing and sales and Customer answer (Grant, 2013). Inbound logistics is a part of the supply chain and involve d istribution. Inbound logistics activities describe the receiving and storing of materials (Porter, 1985). Qantas has three major gush suppliers which are Airbus, Boeing and Bombardier. Each supplier has different competitive advantage with others. For example, Airbus has A380 that is larger, longer and can deliver more passengers than others while Boeing has B787 that is lighter, smaller and faster than others. In addition, Qantas also has others suppliers who provide mathematical proceedss related to oil, gas and food. Operations are activities to transfer inputs into the final product (Porter, 1985). The operation of Qantas group includes airports, catering, engineering, flight operations, operations planning, control and aviation service (Qantas Factfile, 2010). For example, Qantas aviation services are applied through several processes such as customers can book ticket through travel agent or booking online, check-in online, and baggage claim. Outbound logistics is the proces s related to collect, store and distribute the final products to customers (Porter, 1985). The general activity of airline industry is transportation goods and services from one area to others all over the world. in that locationfore, most of airlines implement their transactions though travel agent and online and Qantas is not an exception. By using these ways, Qantas achieves the most cost effective,while satisfying customers.Marketing and sales are activities to provide the places which customers can buy the products (Porter, 1985). In order to advertise product, Qantas has created many media advertisements on television, radio, newspapers, posters in travel agents and billboards. Qantas announced $44 million for denote campaign with Tourism Australia in 2010 (Qantas, annual report 2010). For example, Qantas used Boeing 747 aircraft to paint the words Come play in Frequently Flyer program and Sponsorship Football Federation Australia (World football insider, 2010). However, Qan tas is trying to use more direct marketing than blanket advertising because blanket advertising is more expensive and less targeted especially to corporations than direct marketing. Moreover, Qantas also uses global marketing strategies which are standardization, customization and global branding. Through these marketing, Qantas has implemented successful strategies to ensure its personality for high quality goods and services. In addition, Qantas also has sales promotions in particularly periods. An example of this is Qantas launched a two for one ticket sale, it means that a second passenger is allowed to fly for the cost of taxes and charges. Another is that Qantas first launched to issue 100,000 tickets at $49. Secondly, Support activities consist of Firm infrastructure, Human resources (HR) management, Technology and Procurement (Grant, 2013). Support activities can help primary activities to work more effectively. Firm infrastructure relates to structure of the industry. Q antass infrastructure includes functional departments such as accounting department, financial department, marketing department, customer service department or engineering department. Qantass HR strategy focuses to ensure a flexible, adaptable and safer workforce, improve labour unit be and productivity, develop management and leadership capabilities as one of the largest employers in Australia, approximately 37,000 people (Qantas, 2012). Qantass HR concentrates on four areas corporate, business segments, shared services, and scholarship and development. Each area has own responsibilities to help deliver the human resource strategy.Besides that, Qantas group is also known as the Australias largest aviation trainer. There are many training courses to help the Qantas employees to improve their knowledge and skills. For example, in 2011/2012, Qantas invested $65 million in training approximately 2,300 pilots (Qantas, annual report 2012). Furthermore, in thepast four years, 122 young people graduated through the Qantas program. Their training enables them to experience with various aspects of airline management and they may provide the next generation of aviation executives. Regarding engineering development, technology has an important role in supporting Qantas business to deliver enhanced value. Technology development of Qantas focuses on main five areas which are project and program management, business system analysis, testing and quality assurance, services and relationship management, and architecture (Qantas, 2012). Qantas is also investing in new technology for customers Qantas is the first airline to offer iPads as an option entertainment for passengers to access to the latest entertainment. These activities can support for main purposes to enhance the quality and create reputation for Qantas group. The purpose of Qantass procurement is maximizing the shareholders value from all supplier relationships (Qantas, annual report 2012). This is implemented through a chain process such as disciplined, systematic and ongoing process. All procurement activities are ensured through Qantas procurement policy. One of the important procurement activities is that goods and services meet specification and are transferred on time at competitive prices from stable suppliers. Others procurement activities are also applied such as financial risk, total cost basic must be reduced and supplier relationship management is focused on win-win outcome.3.0. EXTERNAL AND INDUSTRYIAL ANALYSIS3.1. Macro economyQantas as a part in the global airline industry has continued to benefit from globalization where growth trade and tourism increase demands for travelling. According to the World Tourism Organization, throughout 2011, international tourist arrivals went up by 4.4% to 980 million, from 939m in 2010. The context also creates corporative opportunities for Qantas. For example, in early 2011, Qantas acquired Network Aviation, a West Australian charter airl ine that contributed around $19 million in revenue and other income (Marketline 2012). However, globalizations with the participation of many airline industries also threat Qantas in provide good service at reasonable price. Besides that, the increasing and unpredicted fuel price and foreign currency exposure also challenges the Group when participate ininternational operation.3.2. Five forces analysisPorters Five Forces is a most widely used framework in practice to determine intensity of competition and the level of profitability for companies (Grant 2013). Porter (2008) stated that five forces shape the structure of industries and launch the basement for competition and profitability within industry. These include threats of new entrants and substitutes, bargain queen of substitutes and buyers, and rivalry among existing competitors. According to Dobbs (2012), five forces assessments of threats and opportunities are powerful responses of managers to challenging environment wher e they must to repugn with rivals and increase profits. The first important element is threat of substitutes. Substitute products/services perform a similar function as an industry product by a different means and at times at a cheaper price. This makes the competitions become more violent for all. It corresponds to industry profitability suffers. Therefore, companies have to reinvest themselves such as their services, product and event low price and restructure their organizations in order to survive in challenging environment. They have estimated what threats coming from substitutes whose product are similar to that of a company/brand that is effected within the industry and give some strategies for themselves. The aviation business now tries to boost up diverse options and promotions trip with low price to persuade the customers. infra pressure of substitutes like Virgin, Delta, tiger Airlines, especially coaches or trains, Qantas have to plan some strategies not only in Airlin e industry but transit industry The second of five forces is threats of new entrants. When new entrants have launched in an industry, the proportion of industrial profits has changed. They bring new capacity and desire to share a market with the others, and simultaneously put pressures on old rivals about prices, qualities of services and goods, cost and rate of necessary investment. When threats are high, managers must implement a number of methods into the marketing mix in order to deter new entrants. According to Grant (2013), there are some principal sources of barriers to entry groovy requirements, economies of scale, absolute cost advantages, and product differentiations, access to channels of distribution, governmental and legal barriers, and retaliation. The effectiveness of barriers to entry depends on the resourcesand capabilities that potential entrants possess. The new entrants, Virgin Airlines or Tiger Airline, become competitors to Qantas with new full service airlin e and cheap tickets. In order to compete, Qantas is focused on business market which does not have a strong market competitor. The group also try to control the budget airlines through introducing of Jet Star (Reference for business, 2006). In addition, although Emirates airline is a international competitor, Qantas has corporation with Emirates to enhancing their shared network across the Tasman. This hit the competition in Australia and New Zealand (Cornwell 2013).The third is rivalry among existing competitors. According to Grant (2013), in some industries companies compete aggressively, sometimes the prices are under the value of output and leading definitely loss incurred. In the others, they focus on the innovation, advertising and non price dimensions. The intensity of competition of companies base on some factors concentration, diversity of competitors, product differentiation, excess capacity and exit barriers, cost condition. Simultaneously Qantas operates Jetstart to comp ete the other companies by cheap tickets, Qantas also cooperate with Woolworths in Frequent Flyer program to maintain loyal customer (Qantas FactFiles, 2010) . The next is bargaining power of suppliers suppliers are also described as the market of inputs ability of suppliers to put the buyers under pressure. There are two factor effected on aviation industry including aircraft manufactures and fuel supplier. According to Qantas annual report, 2009, Suppliers of Qantas are Boeing, Airbus, and Bombardier. They have strong power to deal with Qantas because they determine cost and delivery times and can be potential to turn into competitors. Lastly, bargaining power of buyers Customers are described as the market of outputs and put the firm under pressure of low prices and quality of services. Therefore, Qantas have to cooperate with the other airline such as Emirates, Vietnam airline to rival the others. Qantas also has to impulse its sale with quality product and cheap price in severa l channels such as travel agency and website to deal with others. What is your conclusion from the 5 Forces Analysis?4.0. STRATEGY TO CREATE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGEIn the competitive environment, enterprises have to create competitive advantages or they will be died. Grant (2013) says that a firm can achieve a higher rate of profit over a rival in two ways supplying an identical product or service at a lower cost, or providing a unique product or service that is differentiated with others in order to persuade customer pay a price premium that exceeds the additional cost of the differentiation.4.1. Cost leadershipIn order to take advantages in cost, the corporation has to structure and effectively exploit resources, apply some drivers of cost advantages such as economics of scale, product design, technology and inputs cost (Grant 2013).Figure 6 Qantass expenditure in 2011-2012 (Source Qantas data book 2012, p.18)As can be seen, there are three main parts from Qantass expenditure in bot h 2011 and 2012. They are fuel cost, labour cost and aircraft operating aviation.Figure 7 Fuel cost of Qantas (Source Qantas Data Book 2012, p.19)Fuel cost is the highest expense of Qantas, accounting for more than 25% of total expenses. In 2012, the fuel makes a new record at 27% of total costs at $4.22 billion in compare with $593million in 2011. The Group uses several strategies to reduce the influence of fuel prices. They are hedging passing fuel surcharges to tickets shortening the jet fuel supply chain fuel conservation investment in new fuel-economic aircraft improvement managing air work and enhanced technology in flying techniques and navigation approach. (Qantas data book 2012). Aircraft operating variable spent $3 billion in costs in FY2012. It includes route navigation charges, landing fees are charged by the relevant airport company or authority, maintenance cost and passenger expenses (in-flight consumables and amenities, entertainment). Therefore.? despicable to co st leadership strategy can be applied by Jetstar that focus on low cost airline to gain market share in difference target customer than with the main brand.Due to nowadays, there are many low cost airways emerge worldwide. Thus, the firms that can offer the cheaper price will be gain the customers. Jetstar want toreach the lower price than others fare airlines so the company designs to adapt another strategy such as partnership strategy to deal with the main competitors. In current years, almost aviations industries have considered about how to the firms getting the customer faster than competitors. Also, Jetstar recognizes about low price with fast sale so the firm tries to create new promotion to attract and gain the customers quickly than another firm. The firm can take advantages in cost by increasing passenger load factor (promotion), reduce fuel cost, in-flight consumption and entertainment of customers.4.2. DifferentiationAccording to Grant (2013), differentiation is not just about the product, it embraces the whole relationship between the supplier and customer. Differentiation can be categorised into two types as tangible differentiation and intangible differentiation.4.2.1. Tangible differentiationComplementary service According to Qantas FactFiles (2010), Qantas has provided In-flight entertainment with full-option in all Qantas international flights such as A380, B747 and A330 aircrafts. Simultaneously, Qantas Club lounges with full of necessary facilities are provided to the Qantass members at more than 130 lounges worldwide. As Group route network, the Qantas Group have operated numerous flights to cover 173 destinations in 42 countries together with partner airways. According to Qantas annual report (2009), Qantas provides premier price with full service option to serve the customers. For example, Qantas creates unique experiences to Qantas members like bringing Chef Heston Blumenthal to meet food and vino (QANTAS 2012). As the result, customer s can feel superior when perceive the product or service. This strategy offers unique can enhance value of the product to the customers. The other point is that Qantas designs multi-brand model such as Qantas, Frequent flyers, and Jetstar which give customers the experience they desire. Specifically, Qantas provides the clear choice for business and premium leisure travellers. Frequent flyer builds the worlds best loyalty business while Jetstar brings the clear choice for price sensitive travellers (QANTAS 2011). Grant (2013) states a low-price no-frills offering is associated with a unique brand image. Hub airportsQantas has developed Airport terminal consolidation project. This reduces in minimum connection times, underpins Sydney as Qantas main hub, and supports the international network alliance strategy, long term price and infrastructure surety. This strategy also increases product differentiation and seamless end-to-end customer experience (QANTAS 2011).4.2.2. Intangible diff erentiationSafety is always the first precedence of Qantas aviation firm. Qantas is the leader of safety aviation industry (QANTAS 2008). Qantas is rigorously subjected to the International Air Transport Associations (IATA) and Operational Safety Audit Certification, which is an internationally recognised safety audit program, once every two years. Moreover, Qantas is regularly scrutinised additional external audits by around 75 external organisations. This capability have with constant prudence and proactive prevention is fundamental to Qantas maintaining its leading safety record and reputation.5.0. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONIn conclusion, strategy is win (Grant 2013). Enterprises with efficiency strategies and successful implementation will generate advantages in the competitive environment. By applying several strategic analysis methods in analysing the internal and external context of Qantas Airlines Limited, the report has indentified the groups strategies. Base on the an alysis, some strategies has been recommended for the corporation to create competitive advantages by two strategies, cost leadership and differentiation Expeditionary Marketing tour agent can be an important channel to distribute the product and service. Therefore, the Qantas should conduct a plan to consolidate its business activities with the travel agents and sometime the firm has to create a monopoly with those travel agents to decrease competitors. The corporation should also offer promotion to reduce free seat in flight. Unique Service mood The price of ticket that should included the price of baggage may set up little bit expensive than others low cost airlines without luggage price. It can be attract the customers especially, women. Due to almost women need space for their clothes and cosmetic that is often liquid may be banned to carry in a passenger area. Fuel hedging Qantas should continue research for new technology and investin low-fuel consume aircrafts. Charging fue l surcharges to passengers is better than fuel hedging. remote exchange risk hedging Continue hedging foreign currency to reduce risk by using other derivative financial instruments such as option or forward contracts. Labour cost Qantas can expand to other countries where labour willing to work for lower payment than in Australia, meanwhile reduces intermediates or agencies, directly or online sell tickets to customers.6.0. REFERENCESAirlines network news and Analysis, 2012, Australian international traffic growing strongly but Qantas is losing market share US and Indonesia see biggest gains, viewed 15nd August 2013, http// Allayannis, G, Weston, G 2001, The Use of Foreign Currency Derivatives and Firm Market Value, The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 243-276. Cornwell, A 2013, Emirates and Qantas to hit competition in Australia and New Zealand, viewed 15th August 2013, http// usiness/aviation/emirates-and-qantas-to-hit-competition-in-australia-and-new-zealand-1.1221392. Dallas, H 2010, Qantas in the global airline industry, Strategic management competitiveness and globalisation (4th Asia-Pacific ed), pp. 434-440. Dennis, A 2012, Is Qantas the dying kangaroo?, Herald Sun, viewed 15rd August 2013, http// Dobbs M E, 2012, Dobbs, Michael E, 2012, Porters Five Forces in Practice Templates for Firm and cutting Analysis, Competition Forum 2012, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p22. Grant, R.M 2013, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 8th edn, John Wiley & Sons, NewYork. Fickling, D&Wang, J 2012, Qantas, China Eastern Plan Cheap Flights for Asia mediate, Bloomberg, viewed 15rd August, http// International Air Transport Association 2013, High cost environment to continue, Financial Forecast, vi ewed 15rd August 2013, http// Mail Business Staff 2012, Qantas posts 204m loss as its fuel bill hits 3.6bn, Daily Mail, p.46. Marketline 2012, Qantas

Friday, May 24, 2019

Esports Essay

E-Sports is the perfect constancy for someone who is motivated, driven and emotional about competitive gaming to become involved with. E-Sports is an industry submersed in the gaming industry where competitive gamers can make a living by playing in tournaments and leagues as professional athletes, oft like a professional athlete would in mainstream sports such as football or hockey. The points that make it such an enticing venture are not simply that you are able to play video games for a living, but the equality, passion and opportunities that help create and define the industry.Fair play on a global capacity is something not regularly seen in this era. With so many groups defining who plenty are or arent, finding something that has the ability to include everyone no issue what their race, religion or gender is, is truly inspiring. Being able to be a part of something so revolutionary that can, if given the opportunity and acceptance, could literally form the way we as spat e see and interact with the world around us. In many sports such as tennis or football association football for Americans- there are divisions of age and gender, not to mention the logistical problems of competing globally.With so many restrictions forced upon people in sports it is not surprising that preconceived notions such as male superiority or you dominance are still widely accepted. E-Sports on the other hand allows you to compete with men, women, children, adults, black, white, atheist or Islamic these sort of restrictions dont exist making E-Sports a truly fair and equal platform for not only competition but as an industry as a whole. The state of being connected globally opens many doors for you as well.Whether you wish to continue on playing as a professional gamer, or whether you have different ambitions of being a journalist, or the CEO of a company, or even just a job in marketing or graphic design E-Sports offers this and more. As well there is a clear opportunity to begin net incomeing at a very three-year-old age if you desire. For instance if you wish to go into journalism, you may wish to work at an E-Sports media outlet or team organization writing articles and providing coverage at events.Or perhaps you would like to pursue a future in business, for this you may wish to join a media outlet or team organization in a different capacity such as a manager, PR officer or the head of marketing. Through these and other- jobs within the industry you allow be able to begin networking with large corporations and organizations who are involved in the industry developing personal relationships which can last a lifetime. Being able to network and develop your business skills in a real world capacity can help advance your education as well as your career.This leads us to passion and motivation and whether or not you have the desire and will to pursue your dreams. E-Sports is an industry built on passion, where people do what they do because they whop doing it. Living your life by someone elses rules is not really living your life you need to follow your passion to be happy. The beauty of E-Sports is that it is so diverse, from the people involved to the variety of professional opportunities available to you.It is very easy to meet people with similar interests and gain a new perspective on the things you love. One aspect of E-Sports that stands out above most others is traveling and competing in events. The passion and determination of professional gamers is incredibly high not knowing if they will make it out of the group stage and have the chance at the $45,000 available for first place that they desperately need to pay the bills and continue on playing creates a lot of passion and drive to play their best and win.This passion only spills over into the business side of the industry, as the behind the scenes people are just as passionate about developing and improving the industry as a whole. A constant hunger for improvem ent and mastery fills the E-Sports industry making it very lucrative for passionate young gamers. The only limitations you have are the ones you place upon yourself, so as long as you are passionate and dedicated, you will have a chance to succeed and accomplish your dreams. Overall E-Sports is a small industry, however it makes up for it with its various aspects.Many people condone E-Sports simply because it is competitive video gaming and the people involved are construed as social introverts. However that is not the case and their ignorance impedes them from seeing what E-Sports really is people coming together because of their common passion, creating a fair and truly global phenomenon. It is these essential building blocks equality, opportunity and passion- that create an industry that is perfect for someone who is passionate and motivated towards competitive gaming.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Mixed-sex education Essay

Co gentility, also known as Mixed-sex education, is the integrated education of male and female persons in the same insertion under same roof. Most of the older institutions of higher education were reserved for the male students but now changed their policies to become coeducational. The first co educational nominate of higher education was Oberlin College in United States, which was established in 1833. In 1844, Hillsdale College became the second college to admit mixed-sex classes to four-year degree programs.The University of Iowa became the first coeducational public or republic university in the United States in 1855. We have co education in human beingy of our universities, a few colleges and some English type schools. It is mostly not available in most of our degree colleges up to intermediate level. Co education gives useful training to boys and girls to wrench together. While studying side by side in different classes, they learn to co operate for common aims and purpo ses. After completing their education, they cigarette easily join different professions together.They nates work together for common national aims and scientific research centres. Co education is good as it develops self confidence. Boys and girls studying together can discuss their subjects and can help each other in understanding them well. Co education can concur boys and girls competitive with each other in studies. Both can try to learn more and do better in discussions and examinations. Co education can save some institutions and can save money and in such a developing country like Pakistan.At present, Pakistani govt. is not in the position to afford electricity for separate institutions for girls. Yet, co education has some disadvantages. First, it is totally against our religion. The system of co-education is not good in the Islamic States of the world. This system has been produced by the non-Muslim states. The concept of Hijab is not there, but in our religion Islam, Hi jab (parda) is all the way ordered as presented in the Holy Quran in Surah Nisa.Meeting, talks, relations and other non-islamic tasks between the males and females (Muslim na-mahram) is prohibited in Islam. A famous Hadith, When a na- mahram man and woman are standing alone, the third one is evil (Ebleese) among them. Finally, I will conclude that coeducation has some advantages as well as disadvantages. It is necessary to make a proper use of co education in our institutions of higher learning. It is possible to get the benefits of co education and avoid most of the disadvantages.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Adaptive Physical Education by Steven Symes

adaptative Physical Education Games By Steven Symes, eHow Contributor Children with disabilities may not be qualified to participate to the fullest extent in a regular physical gentility soma. Modified activities for children with disabilities can be employed either in a class with children who have no limitations or in a class composed entirely or students with disabilities. 1. Soccer * Soccer product lines cover large areas, so decrease the size of it of the field to reduce the amount of movement required to play the game.If necessary, restrict running so players can participate by walking. Children who social function a wheelchair can hold the gawk on their laps while they move around the soccer field. Instead of using the traditional soccer ball, use a Nerf ball or other soft material ball to reduce the risk of injury. For children that have visual impairments, use goals that have an element that makes noise when the ball hits it, such as a bell. basketball game * Inste ad of using the traditional basketball, use different-size balls to make gripping the ball easier.Allow for two-handed tommyrot so students can maintain control of the ball. An adjustable basketball stand is helpful so the basket can be lowered when the students are first study how to play the game. Also use larger basketball hoops to make scoring easier. A motion-activated beeper attached to the underside of the basketball hoop exit help students with visual impairments know when to shoot the ball. Tennis * utilisation larger balls that do not fly as quickly through the air to die a path down the game play.Remove the center net so students are able to play without constant interruption. discover using a tee for students to dish the ball from. Allow disabled students to play in pairs with other students who assist in playing the game. For visually impaired students, brightly colored balls help them operate the ball. Softball * Instead of traditional softballs and mitts, use balls and mitts with Velcro attached to them. Also use a bat that is larger than the traditional-size bat, making it easier for students to hit the ball.Shrink the size of the diamond so students do not need to run as far to the bases. For students in wheelchairs, use a tee instead of pitching the ball. Consider using balls that have built-in beepers to assist students with visual impairments. * ALEX Resume/CV Parsingwww. hireability. com/ALEX/ale HireAbility is the most accurate & fastest Fully hosted. Simple setup * The Perfect golf game Swing? PerfectConnectionGolfSwing. com Rebel PGA Instructor Claims He Can Add 20-30 Yards to Anyones Swing * Resources for PE Teachingwww. peoffice. co. ukPE Schemes, Lesson Plans, PE Level Descriptors,Assessment,Free lessons * Calm Autism for Freewww. calmautism. com Improve behaviors and sensory issues with proven program Adaptive PE Activities * Adaptive physical education is designed to modify typical activities, addressing the individual need s and abilities of students with development delays or disabilities. The federal government mandates adaptive PE activities through the special education law USCA 1402 (25). Modifying typical activities for the atypical child is fairly easy and provides fun and exercise for all children.Basketball * To modify playing the game of basketball depends upon the item disability. For students with motor skill delays such as hand-eye coordination, larger balls for easier manipulation can be used. Use a larger net size and consider toilsome the height of the goal. Change the rules, such as to allow traveling or two-handed dribbling. Slow the pace and timing down. Students who use wheelchairs can either dribble from the chair with peers pushing the wheelchairor allow them to carrying the ball in their lap as they hand-wheel down the court.Visually impaired students would benefit from an audio prompt such as a beeper ball or audio sound at the basket. Softball * Developmental delays will req uire you to modify the equipment used for students. Use Velcro balls and mitts to allow better success at catching a ball. Increase or decrease the size of the bats for better accuracy at hitting. Batting tees will increase the chance of making contact with the ball, especially in the early stages of learning the game.Scale back the size of the playing field and the distance between bases. Peer partner students, which increases success but is also beneficial for student awareness and understanding of disabilities. Changes rules such as tag-outs and increase the act of hitting attempts. Everyone-runs Kickball * Running, no matter your skill or speed, is a great cardio-workout. This version of bitchball is fun for all students. The kicking team selects one person to kick and everyone on the team runs to the bases.The game can be scored one of two ways, either when the entire team crosses the home base or the traditional way of scoring each run before receiving three outs. The fieldi ng team must get the ball and pass it to each and every team ingredient and finally to the pitcher. Play stops when pitcher has the ball. Students can be peer partnered for running, fielding and pitching. References * PE Central Adapted Physical Education * PE Central Adapted Activities/Basketball * PE Central Adapted Activities/Softball Resources * Heartland Area Education Agency Adapted PE

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Vampire Diaries: The Fury Chapter Sixteen

December 16, MondayStefan gave this to me. Hes given most of the things in his room away. I said I didnt hope it at first, because I didnt know what to do with it. further now I recover I have an idea.People are starting to for come in already. Theyre acquiring the details wrong, and adding things they just imagined. And, most of whole, theyre making up explanations. Why it wasnt really supernatural, why theres a rational reason for this or that. Its just silly, plainly theres no way to stop them, especially the adults.Theyre the worst. Theyre adage the dogs were hydrophobic or something. The vets come up with a new name for it, some kind of rabies thats fiesta by bats. Meredith says thats ironic. I think its just stupid.The kids are a little better, especially the ones who were at the dance. There are some I think we feces rely on, like Sue Carson and Vickie. Vickies changed so much in the last cardinal days that its like a miracle. Shes not the way shes been for the last t wo and a half months, but shes not the way she used to be, either. She used to be pretty much of a bimbo, running around with the tough crowd. But now I think shes okay.Even Caroline wasnt so bad today. She didnt prate at the other service, but she talked at this one. She said Elena was the real ampere-second queen, which was kind of cribbing off of Sues speech from before, but probably the best Caroline could do. It was a nice gesture.Elena looked so peaceful. Not like a wax doll, but as if she were sleeping. I know incessantlyybody says that, but its true. This time, it really is true.But afterward people were talking slightly her remarkable escape from drowning and stuff like that. And saying she died of an embolism or something. Which is absolutely ridiculous. But thats what gave me the idea.Im going to get her other diary out of her closet. And then Im going to ask Mrs. Grimesby to institutionalize them in the library, not in a case like Honoria Fells, but where people can pick them up and read them. Because the truth is in here. This is where the real story is. And I dont fatality anybody to forget it.I think maybe the kids will remember.I suppose I should put what happened to the rest of the people around here Elena would want that. Aunt Judith is okay, although shes one of the adults who cant deal with the truth. She needs a rational explanation. She and Robert are going to get married at Christmas. That should be good for Margaret.Margarets got the right idea. She told me at the service that shes going to go mark Elena and her parents someday, but not now, because there were a lot of things she still had to do right here. I dont know what put that idea into her head.Shes smart for a four-year-old.Typical, absolutely typical. Everybody else gets the guys. Im thinking of trying one of my grandmothers rituals, just to see if Ill ever get married at all. There isnt pull down anybody I want to marry around here.Well, theres Matt. Matts nice. But r ight now hes only got one girl on his mind. I dont know if that will ever change.He punched Tyler in the nose after the service today, because Tyler said something off-color about her. Tyler is one person I know will never change, no matter what. Hell always be the mean, obnoxious jerk he is now.But Matt-well, Matts eyes are awfully blue. And hes got a terrific right hook.Stefan couldnt hit Tyler because he wasnt there. There are still plenty of people in town who think he killed Elena. He must have, they say, because there was nobody else there. Katherines ashes were scattered all over by the time the rescuers got to the crypt. Stefan says its because she was so old that she flamed up like that. He says he should have realized the first time, when Katherine pretended to burn, that a early vampire wouldnt turn to ashes that way. Shed just die, like Elena. Only the old ones crumble.Some people-especially Mr. Smallwood and his friends-would probably blame Damon if they could get hold of him. But they cant. He wasnt there when they reached the tomb, because Stefan helped him get away. Stefan wont say where, but I think to someplace in the woods. Vampires must heal fast because today when I met him after the service, Stefan said that Damon had left Fells Church. He wasnt happy about it I think Damon didnt tell him. Now the question seems to be What is Damon doing? Out biting innocent girls? Or is he reformed? I wouldnt lay bets on it either way. Damon was a strange guy.But gorgeous. Definitely gorgeous.Stefan wont say where hes going, either. But I have a sneaking suspicion Damon may get a surprise if he looks behind him. Apparently, Elena made Stefan promise to watch out for him or something. And Stefan takes promises very, very seriously.I wish him luck. But hell be doing what Elena wanted him to, which I think will make him happy. As happy as he can be here without her. Hes wearing her ring on a chain around his neck now.If you think any of this sounds frivolo us or as if I dont care about Elena, that just shows how wrong you are. I dare anybody to say that to me. Meredith and I cried all day Saturday, and most of Sunday. And I was so angry I wanted to rip things apart and break them. I kept thinking, why Elena? Why? When there wereso many other people who could have died that night. Out of the whole town, she was the only one.Oh, Im starting to cry again. Thats what happens when you think about life being fair. And I cant explain why it isnt. Id like to go bang on Honoria Fells tomb and ask her if she can explain, but she wouldnt talk to me. I dont think its something anybody knows.I lived Elena. And Im going to miss her terribly. The whole school is. Its like a light thats gone out. Robert says thats what her name marrow in Latin, light.Now therell always be a part of me where the light has gone away.I wish Id been able to say good-bye to her, but Stefan says she sent her love to me. Im going to try to think of that as a light to take with me.Id better stop writing now. Stefans leaving, and Matt and Meredith and Alaric and I are going to see him off. I didnt mean to get so into this Ive never kept a journal myself. But I want people to know the truth about Elena. She wasnt a saint. She wasnt always sweet and good and honest and agreeable. But she was strong and loving and loyal to her friends, and in the end she did the most unselfish thing anybody could do. Meredith says it means she chose light over darkness. I want people to know that so theyll always remember.I always will.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Elements of Gothic Literature Essay

Gothic literature was born in 1764 when Horace Walpole published The Castle of Otranto, which is considered to be the first gothic novel ever written. Gothic literature was originally written as a reaction to the age of reason, order, and the politics of eighteenth-century England. Containing anti-Catholic sentiments and mythical aspects, Gothic literature explored the tension between what we fear and what we desire. The stories were ordinarily set in some kind of palace or old building that showed human putrefaction and created an atmosphere of mystery and suspense. Often, angiotensin-converting enzyme of the main characters would be some sort of damsel in distress, be by some man.The words chosen in these novels and short stories were in truth descriptive, creating overwrought emotion and often, feelings of soberness and horror. Also, within the plot, some sort of ancient prophecy, along with omens and visions, could usually be found. The most important fractions to the exp ression of canonical gothic literature, however, be transcendental and unexplainable events.In The Castle of Otranto, some(prenominal) of the plot surrounds one unexplainable incident a giant black helmet falls on Prince Conrad, thus killing him. Because of Prince Conrads death, Manfred, his incur, captures a passing peasant, Theodore, and pursues Isabella, Conrads fiancee. Later, it is learned that Jerome (the minister) is Theodores father. If the helmet had never fallen on Conrad, Manfred never would shake stopped Theodore, and Jerome would never bewilder found his long lost son. Manfred, still believing that Theodore is guilty of move the helmet by sorcery, is ready to execute him.At this point in the storey, Isabellas long lost father appears, which halts Theodores execution. It is later learned that Isabellas father found her because a dream he had conduct him to a monk, who led him to Otranto. The spectral event here is the dream, which turned come out of the closet to forecast reality. He accuses Manfred of non being the rightful ruler of Otranto. Eventually, everything is confirmed when the giant version of Alfonso the Good that has been living in the castle (another mysterious incident) breaks through the walls and proclaims Theodore the natural heir of Alfonso and the rightful ruler of Otranto.The Ruins of the Abbey of Fitz-Martin, whose author remains anonymous, also has a similar dependency on a chain of supernatural events. Sir Thomas Fitz-Martin acquires an abbey, which he finds in ruins. He is certain it can be repaired, so he and his people venture inside. Upon exploring the abbey, Fitz-Martin opens a door with difficulty, all to be met with severe shrieks from inside that particular room. Later in the story, the superstition surrounding those screams is explained.Evidently, every dark, the skin senses of St. Anna can be seen walking up to the altar. She stays there until midnight, and then walks to the south tower. She screams three times, and the ghost of the evil Baron, who possessed the abbey years out front, comes. therefore, Anna chases him with a fire-brand in one hand and a dead fluff in her other arm. The two ghosts eventually come to the Barons old room, where dismal yells and end groans can be heard from. Fiery lights surround the Barons old room until the clock that hasnt been touched in years strikes two, or sometimes three oclock.This story of supernatural occurrence strikes the curiosity of Rosaline, Sir Thomas Fitz-Martins daughter, who then decides to go investigate the south tower. When she does, she finds the torture bedchamber where they killed St. Anna so many years ago. She is debating whether or not to go in, when she hears a voice commanding her to enter. She feels virtually possessed, as the voice tells her to reach inside the coffin. When she does, she pulls something out and takes it with her, fleeing in terror. It is the supernatural phenomenon of this voice that brings in St. Annas story, which is written on the papers with which Rosaline fled in terror.The Vampyre by John Polidori casts an interesting slant on the element of supernatural events. The entire story is a supernatural event because nobleman Ruthven is a vampire, a supernatural creature. Before this is revealed to the reader, however, there ar important unexplainable events that allude to his being a vampire and are of utmost importance to the story. It is the mystery of passkey Ruthvens appearance that first attracts Aubrey to him, and thus begins the story. Aubrey wants to get to enjoy him better, hopefully tounderstand the enigma of his demeanor.They drop dead on a trip together, and Aubrey notices that Lord Ruthven is extremely charitable. He also notices, though, that Lord Ruthven al itinerarys gives his money to the scoundrels of society, those who will piddle away the charity pursuing their vices. Then he realizes that all who receive money from Lord Ruthven end up far worse than they were before the charity. Although Aubrey cannot explain this, it intrigues him and makes him wonder if there isnt a spark of evil in Lord Ruthven. approximately time later, Aubrey receives letters from his sister and his guardians. The letter from his sister is very loving, but the letter from his guardians bears only disobedient and mysterious news. They tell him that his traveling companion is pure evil, that all the women at home that he wooed because of their virtues, have now come forth and shown that they are tainted, and pursue their vices publicly. The people of their town find this unexplainable and very unnerving. He was suspicious of Lord Ruthvens evil before, but upon reading the letter, Aubrey decides that he must leave Lord Ruthven for the remainder of the trip.Aubrey travels to Greece, where he stays with a kind family and falls in love with their daughter, Ianthe, although he does not act on it. It is here that he learns the legend of the vampire. One day he goes to a place to research, and they tell him to be back before dark because of the vampire. He loses track of time and it is concisely dark. He hears a scream and runs toward it. He finds a hut, and picks up a dagger that is inside. However, he is similarly late. Ianthe was murdered by the vampire. Aubrey falls into a fever and Lord Ruthven returns to him and nurses him back to health. Soon after this, they are attacked by robbers and Lord Ruthven is wounded.He dies, but makes Aubrey promise to him that he will not speak a word of his death. When Aubrey goes back for Lord Ruthvens body, it is gone, and the robbers tell Aubrey that they had to put it in the moonlight the first night of Lord Ruthvens death. They go to where they left the corpse, but it has mysteriously disappeared. Aubrey decides that it is time to go home. On his way home, he goes through Lord Ruthvens things and finds a shaft that matches the dagger he found in the hut exactly. This confirms for Aubreythat L ord Ruthven is the vampire.When he arrives home, his sister holds a drawing-room. Here, Aubrey is snatched by the arm and told to remember his oath. Aubrey is dumbfounded because Lord Ruthven is supposed to be dead, but here he is, pursuing his sister. This drives him into a terrible fever. During this fever, he figures out that his sister is engaged to Lord Ruthven and fears for her. He tries to stop the wedding, but everyone thinks that he is crazy and dismisses him. His sister is killed at the end of the story.The fact that Lord Ruthven is a supernatural creature accounts for all of the supernatural events and the entire story. If he was not a vampire, his demeanor would never have attracted Aubrey initially, and Aubrey never would have gone traveling with Lord Ruthven. Had Aubrey not gone traveling with him, he never would have discovered that Lord Ruthven was a vampire, and gone crazy. If Aubrey had not gone crazy, he would have been able to stop the wedding and save his sister s life.Supernatural and unexplainable events are crucial to the plot of a gothic story. Often, they act as the common sense of the plot and many of the circumstances and coincidences rest upon them. In The Castle of Otranto, they act as the coincidence drivers as well as supply some of the omens and visions, another element of gothic literature. They bring the real story to the surface in The Ruins of the Abbey of Fitz-Martin, and provide the foundation for the story in The Vampyre. Without the element of supernatural and unexplainable events, much of the canonical gothic literature would not stand on its own.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Nutritional Assessment

The corpse nap world power (BMI) is the ratio of weight to height and is used to classify people as being to a starter placeweight, normal, or obese (BMI Classification, 2007). Using the international classifications, a BMI of 32.2 would be considered as Obese Gr. 1. The case being answered is wherefore is a soulfulness who eats normally at 4-5 fairly healthy meals every day, satisfies the recommended al emitances classified as obese?Many factors must be considered when answering this case. Most important among these is whether the measurement of the BMI is done under normal conditions, that is, if the body fictitious character, health stance, body composition and metabolic function of the patient are considered. Truly, thither are some instances when the BMI classification is non applicable.It must be noted that the Body Mass Index is a standard for determining the risk of normal people. It stubnot be used for people who have towering muscle mass. Muscle is considered as heavier compared to fat and a more muscular someone would naturally be high in body weight compared to his or her more normal counterpart. Two persons, for example whitethorn have a 32.2 BMI but may have different body compositions one may place fat because of greater body fat composition and the other may appear rattling work and healthy because his or her body composition is mainly of muscles.A bodybuilder may always be classified as overweight or obese if BMI standards are used when Arnold Schwarzenegger won a received competition, his BMI was 31 (Whitney, Cataldo and Rolfes, 2002). As it is, the definition of the BMI must be kept in mindit only considers the persons weight and height and not the persons body composition. In other words, in assessing the health risks of a person using a BMI, the body composition or body type of a person should be considered first because the results may inconclusively represent the real status of the individual.The results of the Body Ma ss Index can also be influenced by the urine composition in the body. If the person is retaining water, for example, he or she should not be classified using the BMI standards because the weight is affected by the superfluous water that is retained inside the body. If water is retained and the person is measured, the BMI would naturally result to a higher value which would not represent the persons true health status. Edema or water retention can sometimes happen to people with kidney failure, and to women who are pregnant.The BMI classification should also not be used to pregnant women because in measuring the BMI, the weight of the unborn child is not considered which could also erroneously increase the true value of the index. The result would then, not become representative of the true health status of the individual.If however, the patient is not muscular, the relatively high BMI of the person, despite his or her normal intake can be attributable to the persons rate of metabo lism. There is a possibility of the person having low metabolism as a result of previous abnormalities in dietary practices and intake or peradventure a thyroid disorder. Hypothyroidism can decrease the rate of metabolism of a person by as much as 30%. At such rate, the person, no matter how healthy his or her ingest habits are, is at risk to gaining more weight, having higher BMI and thus, being at risk to the diseases associated with higher BMI.These factors must be considered first in assessing whether there is something significant in the BMI of the patient under study. The 32.2 BMI of the person may not be signifying a risk in health but a mere indication of erroneous use of the classification without considering the body composition, water retention, or pregnancy. But if these factors are considered, the person must really be at risk for high fat deposition as a result of low rate of metabolism. The person should then consider doing more physical activity or consulting a vi vify on how to normalize the thyroid function.Works CitedBMI Classification. (2007). World Health Organization. Retrieved 26 Feb 2007 from http//,Whitney, Cataldo and Rolfes. (2002). Understanding Normal and clinical Nutrition. 6th ed. Stamford, CT Wadsworth Thomson Learning.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

My Personal Experience with Religion

I impart considered myself a religious person for most of my sustenance. I was save at ten eld old, but I capture been in church building since I was two years old. I last that gentlemans gentlemany people say that morality and delivery boyianity atomic number 18 non the same, but I am adept of those few people who do study that religion is important to. I think that you lavatory non consecrate champion without the other. They argon both vital to the spiritual makeup of a person.If it had not been for my acceptance of Christ and the set apart Spirit that dwells in me, I dont know what would put on happened to me. I definitely would not be the person that I am today. I have always prayed about everything. I take that God is my spiritual father, and just exchangeable I talk with my biological father and converse with him everyday, I talk with my heavenly about everything.I study that it is very ponderous to talk freely with a stranger. Before you open up and b ar your soul to someone, there is an established consanguinity. It is the same with God. It is extremely hard to take everything to him if a person does not know him. I clearnot remember a time when I have not had a relationship with him.It has made a huge difference in my life to be able to talk to him about everything. I have actually had many prayers answered. there is no way that I could remember all of them since they have happened every day of my life. Therefore, my spiritualism has grown and changed everyplace time. When I was much younger, I saw God as one who had to be obeyed, but I have now grown to the point where I actually do have a relationship with him. I used to worry so much about how I would handle everything in my life. promptly I know that it is all in Gods hands. I have learned that I have to completely trust him, and that all of my plans and worrying is not going to help. It sounds on paper like I have just given up, but nothing can be further from the truth. I have actually gotten stronger, and the time I used to fade on worrying, I now spend on talking to God.I do think that my religion has helped to streng and then my relationship with God. It is through my religion that I have a church family of people who I can depend upon for my strength. It is a howling(prenominal) sense of well being when I know that I have a whole multitude of people behind me that love and care about me because of our common beliefs through Jesus Christ. I in addition call back that a religion is easier to understand when you are a part of it because you have access to others to get a line you. I have always had mentors and ministers to help me in my understanding of the faith that I have chosen.They not just now tell me what they believe about it, but they have encouraged me to seek the scriptures to find my answers, and since they are more experienced than I am, they can steer me in the adjust direction to find those scriptures. The faith that I am associated with encourages its members to seek answers from the scripture. It is not encouraged to accept something just because a person tells us that is the way that it is. I have many friends from other faiths, and it is nearly impossible for them to overcome the stereotypes that they have perceive about my religion. I find that I have the same problem when it comes to theirs as well.As I stated earlier, my religion encourages its members to try our beliefs with what the scriptures says. Because of that I do think that I can remain objective. I have learned that when I challenge something that someone of my faith says is proper(a) or wrong, I can go to the scriptures and if it is not there, I can choose to disregard the opinion. In fact I believe that everyone has challenged at least one thing that their religion upholds. I think that is only human and it is suddenly natural.If one cannot be objective and at least listen to both sides of a religious topic, then the person must look closely at whether he/she is brainwashed. Questioning and objectivity is a darling thing. One cannot grow and accept other if he/she does not remain objective. The only thing that cannot be changed what the Bible says about an issue.My life has been a full one and it has been steeped in religion. I have en gaietyed it immensely. I am proud of the way that I have grown in my religion and my faith. I would have to say that my religious experience has been a totally positive experience.Works CitedWarren, Rick. The Purpose Driven manner. 2003. capital of Tennessee Zonderman Press.The Sacred RitualThere have been many sacred rituals that I have participated in during the business line of my life. The one that I enjoy the most and that has had the most impact on me is communion. It is something that started with the night of Jesus baffle before his crucifixion. I believe that the ritual is so beautiful and meaningful that I get randy every time I take it.When I was a little chi ld, I could not understand why all of the adults got to eat and drink from those cute forms and I could not have it. Therefore, I mull over I hated the ritual at first. I especially couldnt understand how my own mother, who package everything with her children, could eat and drink in front of us and not even give us a taste. I remember that her attempts at explaining it to us were feeble at best, so I would get violent every communion. I cannot help but get a little tickled even today when I hear the small children at my church when communion is served. Most of them are questioning their parents and grandparents and I mechanically go back to my youth in my mind and remember all of my frustrations.Once I was saved and was able to take communion, I was just so glad that I was one of the big people, that I still did not realize the significance of what I was doing. It was not until I was in my late teens that I realized what it was really all about. At my church, a sermon on commun ion is always preached. It world power seem repetitive to some, but like a favorite bedtime story, or favorite movie, it is a joy to revisit the seen of the last supper. I love the part where Jesus explains to the disciples what each part of the ritual means, and I enjoy what the Apostle Paul explains that it is not just a fellowship supper, but a meaningful combine between Jesus and the Christian people.I find it refreshing during the part where all of the Christians in the church take time to reflect on the sins in their lives. sometimes it is painful when they are remembered, but later I have asked forgiveness, I feel as fresh as a newborn baby. I am ready to start over. There is also a time to ask forgiveness of others that we tycoon have wronged. This is also a special time. I love it when I am reunited with someone that I have been at odds with. therefore there is the sacred time of sharing the bread and the cup with our Lord Jesus. The bread is the symbol of the body of C hrist. When we break it to eat it, it symbolizes what cruelties were done to his body. I was not in Jerusalem the day of the crucifixion, but by taking part in communion I can be. He died as much for me as he did the ones living at the time. Therefore, when I break the bread, I am actually symbolizing that I did break his body so that he could die for my sins. Then I drink from the cup that is supposed to represent the blood of Christ. Without the shedding of blood, there can be no forgiveness of sin. When I drink from the cup, I symbolize that his blood was spilled, and only through the spilling of the saviours blood could I be saved.When I ponder these things, I get chilled just perspicacious what Jesus has done for me and every other person. He did not have to, but he volitionally went to the cross for us. Communion is one of the ways that I get to be reminded of the tremendous gift that Christ gave to all mankind. Works CitedThe Holy Bible. King James Version. New York Thomas Nelson Press. My UnderstandingSince I have taken this class, I have had a little better understanding of evil in the world. I say a little because I have thought about this so much that my feelings on the matter have progressed over a long period of time.I feel that there are many reasons that God stands evil to exist in the world. I believe that man has a with child(p) deal to do with it. Yes, God is all powerful, but he allows us to live with the mess that we have made. I will use the example of the horrible Hurricane Katrina. There were many good people who disjointed everything that they had and many even lost their lives. The same can be said of those who had not lived good lives. There were babies who died, many elderly, and many in the prime of their lives.Some might question why God would allow this to happen. Instead they should question man. It was man who built so many houses and cleared so many afforest and wetlands that the water had no where to go. It was man who built underneath Lake Pontchartrain, and it was man who did not do adequate forethought on the levies. It could be argued that man helped create the hurricane itself with his utter disregard to the environment which is leading to global warming. It is man who has to live with the decisions he and others before him have made. God designed the earth to be perfect. It was man who messed things up and brought sin into the earth. If he had stopped man, then he would have taken away personal choice.My power to understand what is right and wrong has changed over the years. First I accepted what my parents told me was right and wrong. When I became a teen, I judged what was right and wrong with what I wanted to do and think. Now I search the scriptures. I read the Bible as much as I can, and I have a passably good feel for the obvious things that are right and wrong. I will argue an opinion, but when it comes to the rallying cry of God, I feel that if it is in the Bible, then that is the way that it is.I pray about situations that I have a difficult time determining what is right and wrong, and God never fails to send me a sign. Sometimes it is not the one that I wanted, but he still delivers. I also rely on what many people call a conscious, but I feel is the Holy Spirit. I believe if I listen to the still small voice within me, then it is usually more right than what society tells me is right and wrong.Socrates question Is something right because God commands it or does he command it because it is right? I feel that there are times that people think too much and this is an example. Words are powerful and they can also have the power to confuse us. I feel that God only commands what is right and he is omnipotent therefore he is right. If he is the creator of all things, and I believe that he is, then he created right and wrong. At the same time he commands things to be right because he determined it. God is right.Works CitedStearns, Bill. Fine Lines Knowing Gods R ight/Wrongs for Your Life. San Bernardino HeresLife Publishers. 1987.

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Hobbit

The Hobbit is a beautiful narrative written by J. R. R Tolkien, and is full of happy, emotional quotes and lovely characters. Tolkien leapings detailed descriptions of his characters using wag and often captures his young readers attention with short poems. For example, he begins his tarradiddle with the sentence In a fixture in the ground there lived a hobbit and continues it, which then amazes a legend Tolkien has spun a fascinating taradiddle with adventure involving dragons, magicians, hobbits, dwarves and skin-changers etc.The protagonist, Bilbo Baggins with his heroism, self-esteem, courage and quirks equivalent stealing skills, is an adorcapable character. Although he is a figment of the causations imagination, his kindness and poignant insights infuse him with qualities akin to the best of hu homosexuals. The author had started this story as a personal manner of entertaining his own grandchild, and true to this, the appropriate adheres to a conversational style of s tory-telling. For example, he writes The overprotect of our particular hobbit- what is a hobbit? and starts describing the hobbit before describing Bella wearna Took, the hobbits mother.The poetic quotes through with(predicate)out the course of the story as well as reveal the writers style, which tells it apart from other legends, for example Far over the misty mountains shivery To dungeons deep and caverns old We must a mien, ere break of day, To find our long-forgotten gold The authors use of betoken makes the plot very interesting and keep the readers interest alive. For example, Thorins key and routine are revealed to be an important part of the story towards the end.Readers love these unexpected turn of events and surprises in the story Another example of foreshadowing is when Bilbo dies the power and courage to overcome hurdles and fear in the date of the five armies, which he could only access after he got the ring. The author has used a original sort of capturing his young readers attention by introducing a chapter full of riddles between Gollum, the goblin and Bilbo, in the muzzy Mountains. Using riddles, Tolkien has not only successfully heightened the interest of his readers, but also given glimpses of all aspects of the storyThe interesting twists in the story and Bilbos easily luck at narrowly escaping death or loss at crucial times in the story also direct a grip effect on the readers. Children love to check into the arrival of Gandalf, the magician, when Bilbo is in need, as they also delight in his escape from the clutches of the goblins and the elves in barrels after he steals the ring, and his courage and skill in getting out of the giant spiders trap. I also like the Greek term exemplified in Gandalfs rescue in the Misty Mountains, which is deux ex machina, which means a God given man for help.Again, due to sheer luck, Bilbo is able to get away from the dragons lair. But a regretful part of the story is the destruction of Laketown by Smaug, the dragon. The readers are relieved when Bard slays Smaug. Bilbo and his class get a further taste of adversity when the goblins and wargs, who pose also heard reason outly Smaugs death, come governance for their share and cause the battle of the five armies. Thorin becomes a martyr for their group, succession Bilbo is struck with a rock n roll and loses consciousness.The author reveals Bilbos wise and compassionate side when Bilbo gives the Arkenst single(a) to Bard in an attempt to stop competitiveness between Bard and Thorin before the battle. I liked the last part when Bilbo returns back with Gandalf and Beorn, who help their group win the battle of the five armies as well as many skirmishes in Mirkwood before that. The pleasant part here is that Bilbo gets amused by seeing an auction discharge on at his mooring I love the story and also its moral that we should not let our fears get in the way of what we want to do or be in life. The cheerful qu otes and poems provide a lot of playfulness to the readers as wellThe HobbitThis summer I read the book, The Hobbit, by J. R. R. Tolkien. It was a really interesting book with ups and downs just like any other. It was an adventure astir(predicate) a little hobbit named Bilbo who slowly discovers how brave and audacious he is. He is accompanied by 13 dwarves and occasionally a wizard named Gandalf. Together they face Goblins, Trolls, giant Spiders, Elves and even a dragon. There were things that I really enjoyed watching lay out and things that I matte up brought the story line down. Throughout the book, I noticed that Gandalf had great confidence in Bilbo.I love the way that he knew Bilbo had potential and wouldnt let anyone say differently. Bilbo was a weak and fearful little hobbit who had no idea what the world was like and what dangers were ahead of him. Gandalf could see the adventurous heart in Bilbo when no one else could. He had chosen him to be the fourteenth member of the team and was not going to be moved by any creature. In the beginning of the book, Bilbo is flabbergasted when Gandalf tells him that he will give him what he asked for. I beg your pardon, I havent asked for anything (Tolkien 7) He was so scared to guess that he would have to go on such a perilous journey.He had neer been quondam(prenominal) the safe comfort of his hobbit-hole and was not ready to cross that line. Gandalf somehow knew that deep down Bilbo was longing for adventure. In fact I will go so far as to send you in this adventure, (Tolkien 7) He had an incredible faith for him that showed up quite a few times. Even though Bilbo did mess up, he would still stand up for him Lets have no more argument. I have chosen Mr. Baggins and that ought to be enough for all of you (Tolkien 19) I brought him, and I dont bring things that are of no use. (Tolkien 85) Bilbo was extremely unsure of himself and didnt know how he could be of help.Because of this, the dwarves assumed tha t he had no signifi stackce on their expedition and that he was even a weigh down. You You You miserable hobbit You undersized bandit (Tolkien 247) They would persistently put him down, but Gandalf always took little Bilbos side. It was so fun to see Bilbo become the courageous, sneaky and cunning conqueror that he really was inside. He thought that he would never be able to do the things that he did. Every now and then he would start to warm up to the idea of danger but then catch himself and hide once again. It took quite a while for him to see how brave he was, but he got it in the end.Sorry I dont want any adventures, thank you. (Tolkien 7) Later he fights giant spiders and out-talks Gollum. He turns out to be the bravest one on the expedition He was the most valuable person and they would not have completed their interest without him. One thing that I really didnt like was when the dragon came along. The self-colored book they talked about how the dragon would be the most difficult to handle. When they finally get to the mountain, all the dwarves can think about is the dragon. They have to hide by the secret door and be totally silent so that they dont wake it. Bilbo sneaks into the mountain to spy around.He finds the dragon and makes it so upset that it tries to destroy everything in its path. The dragon is the only thing holding them back. The thought of the battle they were going to have was exciting. They left you in the suspense of who was going to fight it and who would get hurt and still give everything. As the dragon is rampaging through Esgaroth, Bard shoots it with one arrow. The dragon falls dead. Thats it? I was definitely hoping for something more than that. I felt like they led up to it really well and then didnt even have anything happen. The way that the characters spoke really reflected who they were.Gollum, for example, called himself my precious and never spoke to anyone but himself. It was almost like his trademark. Gandalf was th e wise one. His word choice made him seem mysterious like an old wizard should be. Do you neediness me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not or that you feel good this morning or that it is a morning to be good on? (Tolkien 5) On page 41, however, I feel like he lost his cool when he yelled at Bilbo for asking an acceptable question. It seemed to make him less wise and more cranky. Bilbo of course talked of his hobbit-hole and how he wished for food and warmth.The dialogue of the character seemed as if it was their own. I think that they made Bilbo too old for the way he acts. He is always curious to know about things but so scared. He is never just there. Like a younger person, he is always alert and ready to see what is happening next. He is good at sneaking around and is very clever and active. T he book was very interesting, and I enjoyed reading it, but the speeds changed too much. You couldnt feel the suspense as much because the same thi ng happened over and over, and they didnt go on very long they would get captured and then they would escape.It was all very creative but I would have liked to be able to get into the moments more. After they get their share of money and fight the Goblins, nothing happens. That should be extremely close to the last page of the book. The story line is over, which leads to the conclusion. When Bilbo and Gandalf go back to the Hills, it is excruciatingly laid out. The next whole chapter was on their slow journey back. The overall theme was that you can think that there is nothing to you, like Bilbo thought about himself, and think that you are small, weak, and afraid, but that is all in your head.When you set your mind to it, you can get it done, no matter how big or strong you are. This is a story of how a Baggins had an adventure, and found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected, (Tolkien 4) He suddenly felt he would go without bed and eat to be thought fierce, (Tolki en 18) All of his fear was conquered and then came the confidence. He soon realized that if anything was to be done, it would have to be done by Mr. Baggins, alone and unaided, (Tolkien 158).