Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Home work 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Home work 4 - Assignment voiceconsidering the enterprise as a whole (2) deciding which jobs to analyze (3) collecting information (4) recording them and, (5) to be analyzed and interpreted according to the needs of the company (p. 29).Today, many software programs are now being designed to carry out this basic yet complicated task of maximizing the human resources of a business organization. Descriptions Now is whizz of these software programs that help HR managers and supervisors in making certain that the tidy sum being hired possess the abilities to perform the tasks and duties that come with the positions they are hired for. Published by the SofoText Incorporated, the software, which offers a 14-day free trial for potential subscribers, provide blank forms and standardized questionnaires which enable those who do the job abridgment to determine what a position specifically needs from those who will be assigned to it.The forms describe the global purpose of the job the essen tial duties and responsibilities the competencies needed, the qualifications, education and experience requirements the language, computer and mathematical skills the persons reasoning ability his or her certificates, licenses, and registrations what the physical demands of the jobs are and the work environment with which the person shall work (Descriptions Now, n.d.). It also provides features that will enable one to check and update the software library of job descriptions and others which may be acquired through the Internet as well as storage for previously made reports. Other links are also well-kept to connect subscribers with sites that supply these

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