Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Optimising Exercise Technique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Optimising Exercise Technique - Essay ExampleSquats strengthen critical muscles in the trunk for instance soleus, Sartorius, and glutes. They also reinforce the back chain of muscles that include the hamstring, glute, and calves. Through doing squats as an exercise, an individual volition be able to burn calories thus getting rid of extra fats from the bole. Squats enhance the general body endurance as they will facilitate accomplishing other tasks and sporting activities (Strossen, 1989).Squatting involves five distinct steps that ought to be to achieve the best results. If squatting is not d unity in the right manner, it will crown to other problems since the person involved may develop irregular body growth due to pretermit of balance during the entire course. To begin with, the individual is supposed to grab the bar with a medium grip. The feet should be positioned directly below the bar assuming a perpendicular angle. The bar should be put on the rear shoulder and the trap s during the shoulder being up with the upper back muscles remaining tight (Puddu, Giombini, & Selvanetti, 2001).The neighboring step involves unracking the bar from its position by squatting up. It is achieved by the person taking a virtuoso backward step with one leg. After the bar has checked into position, you should stand steadily while the hips should toss away to ensure maximum stability.Next, the individual should take a deep glimmering and hold it as he/she prepares to make the squat. The knees are pulled to the side while the hips move backward and downwards. The motion should continue to the point one breaks parallel. Breaking parallel is a position whereby the hips are below the knees (Magill et al., 2014).After breaking parallel, you should hold your breath while at the bottom. The entire movement is reversed by driving the hips upwards. The knees should be maintained come to the fore with the chest up, and the upper back muscles remaining tightly held to support t he body from collapsing.Once you reach the

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