Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Violent Video Games and Aggression in Children Essay -- Argumentative,

Over the past 30 years, playing video plot of grounds has become unmatched of the most popular hobbies worldwide. Not only has the video game industry become a multi-billion dollar industry, but it has attracted people from all age types. While video games today are played by both kids and adults, there are many swerves being raised regarding the effects of video games. More particular, is the effect that violent video games may be having on children. somewhat critics argue that video games are direct indicators of child aggression while video game supporters argue that there is no direct link in the midst of child aggression and violent video games. While many people hold back their own personal stances, this issue is unique because it is unfolding everyday. Scientists and researchers all oer the world are continuously doing research regarding the effects of video games on children. Even though this remains a field of uncertainty for researchers, parents should definitely be involved in being aware of what it is that theyre children are playing when they play video games. While many different case studies have been through with(p) all over the world, scientists have yet to prove that there is a direct correlation between violent video games and child aggression. Since the start of this quarter, this has been an issue that I have been doing extensive research on. Despite looking into several scholarly sources, I was surprised to see that many of my findings were pretty consistent with one another. For the mort part, what I found through my research was a bunch of statistics from case studies and the interpretation of those statistics from renowned scientists. In many cases, statistics and studies showed slight indications that violent video games have an effect on c... ...Lincoln. , Retrieved from http//www.psychology.iastate.edu/faculty/caa/Multimedia/EyeOnPsiChiInterview.pdfPaton, G. (2012, April 03). Violent video games are fueling rise in aggressiv e behavior. The Telegraph. Retrieved from http//www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/9183385/Violent-video-games-are- fuelling-rise-in-aggressive-behaviour.htmlKravets, D. (2011, June 27). States may not throw away sale, rental of violent video games to minors. Retrieved from http//www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/06/violent-video-games-scotus/Tang, W. (2009, December 13). Abstract realism in video games and aggression. Retrieved from http//vgresearcher.wordpress.com/2009/12/13/abstract-realism-in-video-games-and-aggression-barlett-rodeheffer-2009/Leung, R. (2009, February 11). Can a video game pack to murder?. Retrieved from http//www.cbsnews.com/8301-18560_162-702599.html

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